[H] <The Petite Feet> New Draenor Guild is Recruiting!

We are a newly established guild in 2021, called The Petite Feet. We are slowly getting things together such as our discord and now it is time for us to recruit people who are looking for a new home.

As a new guild we are not rushing into raiding but we are certainly seeing it as an option for the future. Right now we are focusing on levelling, mythic keys and a bit of PVP. We are a mixture of current, returning and new players so we are accepting of anyone no matter what stage of the game you are in.

We are LGBT friendly and alt friendly ~

If you are needing in a helping hand in levelling, looking for a full guild group to do dungeons with or just looking for new friends. We could possibly be your new home :slight_smile:

If you would like to join us feel free to get in touch with me via discord (ackersass#3969) or bnet (ackersass#2322) We look forward to hearing from you!!

Bumping :slight_smile:

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bumping c:

Bumping! Recruiting for mythic key players who are hoping to gear for raiding :smiley:

Need a steady healer for your mythic+ groups by any chance?

We possibly will but not sure yet but if your wanting to join us, thatโ€™ll be great!

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Bumping!! Still recruiting for m+ players (will probably create a new post for m+ recruitment soon)