[H] < The Risen> 12/12HC Heroic Raiding Guild and M+ Recruiting


looking for Ranged DPS with healer offspec!


We are now looking for people who want to dabble is a bit of everything

For mythic + we are looking for additional tanks + healers
we also have people are wanting to do PVP either arena or BGS so if your into that stuff, we can give you something todo :smiley:

For our raid team, all are still welcome! all you have to do is ask :smiley:

Update :smiley:

We are looking for 1 tank to join mythic team 3 :smiley: so if your a tank and want to do some mythic dungeons, you dont have to be experienced, you can learn with the team just give me a msg and we can have a chat :smiley:


We are looking for 1 tank to join Mythic team 3 :smiley: it can be a tank of any level :smiley:

for raiding we are looking for a DPS with a healer offspec :smiley:

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