[H] - Twisting Nether - Holy Paladin 220 (fresh 60)

Hi All,

I leveled up my paladin 1 week ago, my ilvl is 220, mostly I do doing mythic + dungeons (level 8+ atm). I am looking for a friendly guild to push higher keys and heroic / mythic raids.

I am 33 years old, started to play wow in Classic, played hard in Burning Crusade, then casually untill Cata. Right now I am exicited about the Shadowlands and want to do more with friends :slight_smile:

Battletag Imperiom#2278

Hey check this out! we’re LF people to do m+/raid with. :slight_smile:

Hi All,

Stil relevant, but I decided to tank :slight_smile:

Currently iLvl 221, looking for Mythic Dungeon friends and Heroic / Mythic raid adventures )