(H) <Weekend Warriors> (Draenor EU) 9/10M Mythic Weekend Day-time Raiding Guild

We are still looking for the classes listed below, we however always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • Mage
  • Druid - Balance
  • Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • Death Knight - Blood
  • Monk - Brewmaster with MW/WW OS or above class ranged alt
  • Demon Hunter- Havoc

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


As we move deeper into Mythic progress, the following classes and specs are currently open for recruitment, however we always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • 1 Mage
  • 1 Druid - Restoration and Balance
  • 1 Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • 1 Shaman - Restoration and elemental

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


With Shad’har lying dead before us we are heading off to our next target of progression: Hivemind. Still we are in search of classes to enrich our roster.

The following classes and specs are currently open for recruitment, however we always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • 1 Mage
  • 1 Druid - Restoration and Balance
  • 1 Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • 1 Shaman - Restoration and elemental

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Hivemind makes it 5/12 down, the following classes and specs are currently open for recruitment, however we always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • Mage - Fire
  • Druid - Restoration and Balance
  • Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • Shaman - Restoration and elemental

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Weekend Warriors now at 6/12 Mythic on Ny’alotha, the following classes and specialisations are open for recruitment. We will always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • Mage - Fire
  • Druid - Restoration and Balance
  • Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • Shaman - Restoration and elemental

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Weekend Warriors now at 16% on Vexiona, the following classes and specialisations are open for recruitment. We will always consider exceptional applications on a case by case basis:

  • Mage - Fire
  • Druid - Balance
  • Priest - Discipline
  • Shaman - Restoration and elemental
  • Demon Hunter - Havoc
  • Hunter - BM/MM

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Vexiona lies dead at our feet, and we push ever deeper into Ny’alotha. Weekend Warriors is officially at 7/12 Mythic.

To support our push, the following classes and specialisations are open for recruitment, but we always consider exceptional applicants on a case by case basis:

High Priority

  • Demon Hunter - Havoc

  • Hunter

  • Mage

  • Druid - Restoration and Balance

Med Priority

  • Warrior - Arms / Fury

Low Priority

  • Priest - Discipline & Shadow

  • Shaman - Restoration

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


The refarming efforts continue as we push towards our next target - Ra-den the Despoiled!

Weekend Warriors is still recruiting a few more classes to shore up our Mythic Roster, and applications from Socials & Casual Flex raiders are always welcome regardless of class/spec!

The Mythic Team is now looking for:

  • Balance Druid (LOW)
  • Beast Mastery Hunter (LOW)
  • Fire Mage (LOW)

We accept applications from any exceptional player of any class not included in this list, so if you feel you’ve got what it takes, apply to us over at our website weekendwarriors.gg


Pushing deeper into Ny’alotha the following classes and specialisations are open for recruitment. Regardless of needs, we will always consider exceptional applications:

  • Mage - Fire
  • Druids - Balance and Restoration
  • Priest - Discipline
  • Shaman - Restoration
  • Hunter - BM/MM
  • Warrior - Arms/Fury

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


With Ra’den lying dead at our feet we move deeper into the realm of nightmares, our next target being Drest’agath. We are still open for recruitment and regardless of needs, we will always consider exceptional applications.

Our current class priorities are the following:

Mage - Fire
Druids - Balance and Restoration
Priest - Discipline
Shaman - Restoration
Hunter - BM/MM
Warrior - Arms/Fury
Death Knight - Blood
Monk - Brewmaster

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Drest’agath down. We are still open for recruitment and regardless of needs, we will always consider exceptional applications.

Our current class priorities are the following:

Druids - Restoration and Balance
Priest - Discipline
Hunter - BM/MM
Death Knight - Blood

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


We are still open for recruitment and regardless of needs, we always consider exceptional applications.

Our current class priorities are the following:

Druids - Restoration and Balance
Priest - Discipline
Hunter - BM/MM
Death Knight - Blood

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Il’gynoth down and starting on Carapace. Check our website for recruitment status.



Progress on Mythic Carapace of N’Zoth is well underway, and we easily refarmed back to 10/12 the reset after reaching it.

We are still recruiting select classes and specs for Mythic Raid Roster, and specifically on the lookout for raiders with experience on the later bosses of the raid especially so they can catch up to us, or be ready to jump in immediately.

We are looking for the following to finalize our roster as we push for Cutting Edge:

  • Priest - Shadow [HIGH] & Discipline [LOW]
  • Death Knight - Blood [LOW]

We always accept applications from any class/spec not listed here on a case-by-case basis if they are truly exceptional.

Weekend Warriors’ doors are also always open to any applicants looking to join us as Socials or as part of Friday & Sunday Night Casual Flex Raid Team as well.

Apply today over at our website weekendwarriors.gg!


Now 11/12M and the following classes and specialisations are open for recruitment. Regardless of needs, we will always consider exceptional applications:

  • Priest - Discipline and Shadow
  • Death Knight - Blood
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
  • BM Hunter
  • MW/WW Monk

Apply online now on our website weekendwarriors.gg or contact our Recruitment Officer, Viix in-game for an informal chat if you want more info.


Carapace of N’Zoth is down! We are looking to bolster our roster during our re-farm period before we push onto Progress towards N’Zoth the Corruptor.

We are looking for the following classes/specs for our Mythic Roster:

  • Paladin - Holy [LOW]
  • Priest - Discipline / Shadow [HIGH]
  • Warlock [MEDIUM]
  • Rogue [LOW]
  • Monk - Mistweaver [MEDIUM]
  • Demon Hunter - Havoc [LOW]

We always accept exceptional applications from any class/spec combo not listed above. Apply to us now over at weekendwarriors.gg!


Looking for a selection of players to bolster our team and take us through that inevitable summer attrition period as we seek to go from 11/12M to the full 12.

We’re looking for one or two healers from any class, Paladin, Priest and Druid are preferred.

We’re also looking for some ranged, warlocks, balance druid, shadow priest and mage as a preference but again any solid application with experience will be considered.

Please visit our website on weekendwarriors.gg and register to make an application.


As we look to take on N’Zoth and nudge him from his clutches on life, Weekend Warriors is recruiting for ranged DPS ( Warlock, Shadow Priest, Mage, Druid preferred) and healers, notably Holy Paladin.

Visit us to apply and find out more at weekendwarriors.gg or contact me in-game for more info!


Progress on Mythic N’Zoth is well underway, and we are still recruiting certain classes and specs to bolster the final spots on our roster as we push into killing the tentacle overlord!

We are recruiting:

  • Destruction Warlock [HIGH]
  • Fire Mage [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest [LOW]
  • Holy Paladin [LOW]
  • Protection Paladin [LOW]
  • Brewmaster Monk [LOW]
  • Beast Mastery Hunter [LOW]

We accept exceptional applications from any class/spec combo not listed above on a case-by-case basis.

Weekend Warriors is a thriving social community for mature players always looking for applications from Socials & Casual Heroic Flex Raiders!

Apply now at weekendwarriors.gg


An update on our recruitment needs:

Holy Paladin [HIGH]
Destro/Affli Warlock [HIGH]
Fire Mage [HIGH]

Apply now at weekendwarriors.gg