[H] WW Monk LF Raiding guild


Iā€™m looking for 2 day raiding guild which also like doing m+. I play on Tarren Mill but iā€™m willing to server transfer after some playtime together

My character is WW Monk 274 ilvl 11/11hc.
Feel free to contact me on bnet: siwy#2981

Hello :slight_smile:

Please see below :smiley:

Would be happy to chat with you :


Hi, if you are still looking for a guild then check out Fury. We originally formed as an Alliance guild in 2007 but we have recently set up a Horde guild on Draenor too so we can use crossfaction for raiding and mythic+ whilst still keeping the vibe of a guild group. We have two raid teams, one for mythic and one for heroic. If you would like to know more then feel free to check out our forum recruitment post or get in touch! All my contact info is in the linked post: šŸ’„ [A][Silvermoon] [H][Draenor]<Fury> CROSS FACTION MYTHIC RAID TEAM LF SHADOW PRIEST WITH HEALING OFFSPEC