[H/A] Innocuous - Casual Weekend Raiding - Socials & Raiders wanted!

Innocuous is a newly formed Weekend Raiding guild focusing on Casual AOTC content, with an emphasis on the Social aspect and making buddies & a learning friendly environment.

Ever feel you don’t get the time and space to truly learn boss fights in a way that help you do well and achieve a sense of satisfaction and teamwork? – That is the feeling we are aiming to tackle. With a very experienced RL, we will simplify fights for you, to give you a stress free time.

The guild is open to both factions (guild exists on Horde however), on Draenor realm and also accepting cross-realm players who can join the guild in TWW pre-patch!

Our guild serves 1 primary purpose:

  • To create a team of people, even if small, that very much like playing this game with each other, and creating a learning friendly environment where you can grow as a player in as many forms of content as you’d like.

Initial raid schedule, which is heavily subject to change based on recruitment:

Fri - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 15 mins break time)
Sat - 19:00-21:15 Server Time (total of 15 mins break time)

What We Offer:

:small_blue_diamond: Casual Raiding
:small_blue_diamond: Weekend Raiding
:small_blue_diamond: Mythic Plus
:small_blue_diamond: Chill PvP (interest based)
:small_blue_diamond: Mature Environment
:small_blue_diamond: Learning Friendly
:small_blue_diamond: Close Knit Community - This is the primary goal of the guild

Our Focus:

:arrow_right: Heroic Raids: Clearing Heroic Raid content and gearing up together is our primary focus.
:arrow_right:Mythic Plus: Push your limits in dungeons in a smaller bite-sized group and enjoy the reward of potent gear along the way, or just enjoy some chill keys to pass the time.

Who We’re Looking For:

:star2: Mature and Open-Minded Players: Embrace learning and strive for improvement. Be a good human being to your fellow guild members.
:star2: Event Organizers: If you’re willing to take the lead in planning guild activities, you’re a valuable addition! Not necessarily a raid leader, can be any group activities in the game!
:star2: We are also open to recruiting Social-only players!

Currently Recruiting:

2 x Healers
2-3 x DPS
1x Tank/Off Tank

Interested players can add me on bnet or discord, so we can have a quick chat :slight_smile:

Bnet: Sykretts#1919

Discord: sykretts

Alternatively, you can leave a reply here or share your details here as well.

Bump, hoping our guild can take off and become something nice!

bump, pretty neat guild! let make the dream team for season 4

Updated the OP with current recruitment status.

We’re still open to recruitment for the following, in addition to Social-only players:

2x Healers
2-3x DPS (preferably at least 1 ranged)
1x Tank/Off Tank

Also open to recruiting a tank as one of our existing ones can freely swap to DPS.

Bump. Incredibly welcoming. No pressure, everyone is patient and just wants to have fun.

Heey! I have send you a friend request on bnet :slight_smile:

Nice guild, join us :smiley: