are you guys still recruiting? im interested as BM hunter
Yes, we are!
We have 1 spot open that’s reserved for Mage class, but we have 1-2 other DPS slots open for other Range classes.
Feel free to add us on Bnet/Discord so we can have a chat.
Recruitment update:
With the launch finally here, we’re consolidating our raid roster a bit, opening up a couple DPS spots more:
2-3x RDPS - 1 Mage + Druid preference, and 1 of any other Range class(except locks)
im willing to play my mage if you are ok
Our mage spots are now closed unfortunately.
Have spots open for Druid dps and any good ranged dps other than lock/mage if we feel they would be good additions.
We are opening recruitment up for a tank slot as one of our tanks maybe stepping down due to IRL commitments.
Current Recruitment status:
1x Tank - DH/Druid preferred but any class is fine
1-2x DPS - DH/Druid/Evoker only.
We have had some changes in our roster and we are recruiting to fill certain spots. We are currently looking for:
1x Healer - Paladin or Evoker
1x DPS - Druid/Rogue/Monk/Demon Hunter
If you are interested, you can contact us here:
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j
We are narrowing down our recruitment as we focus on heroic progress and are only open to a role we actually need for now:
2x Healers - Shaman / Evoker / Paladin / Druid/ Monk (dont need a priest)
If interested, contact either of the officers on:
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j
We are continuing our efforts in Nerub’ar Palace and we are looking to recruit for available roles. We currently need:
1x Tank (High Priority!)
2x Healers - Shaman / Evoker / Paladin / Druid/ Monk (dont need a priest)
If this interests you, you may contact us here:
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j
Having hit P3 Ansurek and looked at what we need to change, we are making some much-needed overhaul to our roster to future proof it and are looking to recruit the following:
1-2x Healers - Paladin / Shaman / Evoker prio (Priest spot is closed)
2x DPS - Warrior / Druid / Evoker / Lock / Hunter / Priest
Reach out on the below socials if you wish to join us!
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j
AOTC achieved by the guild!
Recruitment is still open, mainly to strengthen our raid team slightly in roster size and quality.
Open roles:
1x Healer - Shaman / Paladin / Monk → Prioritized in that order
2-3x DPS - Warrior / DH / Evoker/ Rogue Highest prio. Also open to others but on a lower priority.
We want our roster additions to make sense and be a good quality add to the guild both in terms of what the player brings to the raid AND to our guild as a whole.
If you feel you’re looking for a smaller raid team and a long-term home with buddies to play the game with, reach out to us on Discord or Bnet, details below:
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j
We are still looking to add a couple more players to our core raid team now that Ansurek Heroic is comfortably on farm:
1x Healer - Shaman / Paladin / Monk / Evoker
2x DPS - Warrior / DH / Rogue / Evoker / Paladin
Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts
Bnet: Daneii#2147
Discord: daneii
We’re still looking to add a couple more raiders to finalize our raid team!
- 1x Tank - Any
- 2x DPS - Warlock / Rogue / Evoker / Demon Hunter
- Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
- Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )
Still looking to expand and solidify our raid team for the current tier as well as prepare for the next.
Currently open to:
1x Healer - Shaman/Pala/Monk/Evoker
3x DPS - Open to all classes except Mage/DK/Pala
If you’re looking to join a long-term home for weekend raiding and other PvE activities, reach out to us!
- Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
- Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )
We are as of yet still recruiting to fill some spots that opened up due to some IRL circumstances for a couple of our players, and also to expand the roster a little for next patch.
Currently open to:
1x Healer - For raiding but mainly also for M+
3x DPS - Open to all classes except Mage/DK/Pala
If you’re looking to join a long-term home for weekend raiding and other PvE activities, reach out to us!
- Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
- Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )
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