[H/A] Innocuous - Casual Weekend Heroic Raiding - Fri/Sat!

Innocuous is a relatively new Weekend Raiding guild, formed in S3 DF, focusing on Casual AOTC content, with an emphasis on the Social aspect and making buddies, with a learning friendly environment.

Some exciting news for us is that we will be graduating into the Early-Mythic bosses a couple months into 11.1 Liberation of Undermine tier. Our recruitment efforts are being updated to reflect this!

Our raid schedule:

Fri - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)
Sat - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)

Our S1 Progress:

Nerubar Palace - 8/8HC (AOTC)

What We Offer:

:small_blue_diamond: Casual & Weekend Raiding
:small_blue_diamond: Mythic Plus
:small_blue_diamond: Mature Environment
:small_blue_diamond: Learning Friendly

What we expect from you:

:arrow_right: Raiders: If you are joining us to be part of our raid team, you should be able to raid both our scheduled days/times, barring very exceptional circumstances or emergencies of course.
:arrow_right:Mythic Plus: Running keys together at all levels, 2-10+, whatever suits people the most, in a no-pressure environment. But try to be active & involved with guildies.
:arrow_right:Be mature: Don’t make other players uncomfortable and be able to get along well with your guildies.

Currently Recruiting:

PS: Please see latest replies for more up-to-date recruitment

2x DPS - Warlock / Hunter / Shaman / Evoker

Interested players can add us on bnet or discord, so we can have a quick chat :slight_smile:

Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts

Bnet: Daneii#2147
Discord: daneii

Alternatively, you can leave a reply here or share your details here as well.