[H]AeoN - Casual guild for casuals/mature

still here!

Looking for more casuals!


I am interested in joining your guild. I am a casual gamer looking to do mythic dungeon with a friendly group which can be difficult with a job and family commitments.

Some background, I have been playing wow from vanilla but over a number of different servers due to different friend groups who have all now left. I finally settled on Tarren mill as my server but now looking a casual guild.

I have tried to add your on bnet but not sure it worked.

Feel free to add me, my bnet is masterthis#2533

Hey G,

Weā€™d love to have a chat with you.
Weā€™re always looking for cool casuals to join us :slight_smile:

Shameless bump!


This sounds amazing as a casual whoā€™s just starting up in Mythics and would love to run it together with guildies.

Quick question, any policy on alts? I tend to be a bit of an altoholicā€¦

Iā€™ll add you and shoot a message when I see you online!

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Siviera, welcome to the club!

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hi im a casual playing through my first ever wow charā€¦looking for people to chill with and learn things from

Been looking for something like this for quite some time. With 2 young kids I donā€™t have the time to get sweaty raiding 6 hours a day.

Would love an invite :slight_smile:

Hey Z,
Iā€™ve been away from the game for a week but add me on my bnet as stated in the original post and we can talk it out.

always open for cool casuals!

iā€™d love to join a casual guild. Just returned to the game

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up up and awaaaay

Come on casuals, we know that SL animation caught your attention! :slight_smile:

disgraceful bump

I think this guild could be exactly what Iā€™ve been looking for but would like a chat first - feel free to add me on bnet PlainlyAdam#2766

This sounds exactly like what Iā€™ve been looking for! Iā€™ve added Cronos on B.net :slight_smile:

awesome to hear that :slight_smile: !

shameless bump!

Hi everyone. How do I get in touch with an officer or someone in charge?