[H]AeoN - Casual guild for casuals/mature

Hey Jack,

Hopefully I won't forget to add you (I have a bad memory)
But anytime you come on, add me up and we'll talk it out.

Have fun mate,
31/10/2018 10:54Posted by Jackabok
Awesome post right there :) recently made an Orc Shaman in Tarren Mill which I really seem to enjoy and actually made me gave up on my ally mains... Would love to have a chat soon. I will send you a message after work (around 19:00 server time) but please if you have a look at this post first give me a shout at Jackabok#2972 .
Bump :)
we're growing nicely!
More casuals !
Let's make wow great again! Casuals for the win!
Wow is great if you have the right people to have fun with and chill :)
08/11/2018 10:53Posted by Freakyness
Let's make wow great again! Casuals for the win!
08/11/2018 13:22Posted by Spirithoof
Wow is great if you have the right people to have fun with and chill :)
08/11/2018 10:53Posted by Freakyness
Let's make wow great again! Casuals for the win!

Making this slacking pleb feel appreciated right about now:)
I'll contact you the moment i get online tonight. This is what i have been looking for since i got back in WoW!
This sounds great
iĀ“ve sent a friend request to talk more about it
Welcome on board Nephewj! :)
Rem, hit me up on bnet and we can talk it out :)


Hey there! Me and my friends gave it a try in trying to establish a fresh casual guild, but growing and expanding appeared to be a little harder than we expected.

So the question is, could we maybe find a nice harbor at your guild?

We are a group of around 8-9 people who would be interrested in joining your ranks. I understand that adopting such a big chunk of people tied together might be a risky move from your perspective, but I can assure you that all of us are mature guys around our 30ā€™s who just want to enjoy a bigger community that is drama free.

Most of us are sticking with this game since vanilla, with some having played cutting edge level for quite some time. Now weā€™re just taking it all slow with no higher aspirations than to run some m+ keys and clear HC tier of each raid and most importantly - do it with some friendly mates.

Some of us already cleared 8/8 HC this tiers, others are on 7/8. We run weekly m+ keys trying to push as high as we can and now with most of us having experience up to 13+ on time.

Weā€™d love to join up to you guys, because what keeps us at this game is itā€™s social part. Weā€™re all chatty and use various VOā€™s on regular basis. We also donā€™t expect any privileges considering our group size. No one here cares about being in control or ranks!

If that sounds interresting to you, please give me a sign.

Hey Yossarian,

Iā€™ve given your situation a long thought.
While it is very tempting to have +9 HC raiders in our ranks, you are right it is a risk.
It appears your aspirations are way higher than ours.
Although we do raid on wednesdays, weā€™re not aspiring to clear HC. Actually, we donā€™t aspire to any kind of progression.
We do stuff if thereā€™s enough interest but we also try to not leave anyone behind who would like to come raiding.
We do not want anybody to feel ā€œoh, that group of X players is raiding HC and I donā€™t have 360+ ilvl so I canā€™t joinā€.
Talking from experience, I know this would lead to friction.

With that in mind, I thank you for your interest and wish you good luck in your search for a like-minded guild.


Weā€™re still looking for cool, mature casuals :wink:

I just came back to the game yesterday, I tried to play BFA when it launched and started raiding but I ended up getting very busy and couldnā€™t commit to a rigid time table to raid.

Iā€™ve started a new DH and will probably level some more characters and dabble a bit with BFA but just want to just do some exploring, farming, helping people and some other random stuff and treat the game differently to how I have in the past.

Be good to have some fun and hang about with some people when Iā€™m online and I think your guild will suit me perfectly :blush:

Hey Erathia,
Hope Iā€™m not wrong, but I love the reference to the Heroes 3 franchise :smiley:

Add me on bnet and we can talk it.


Up :slight_smile:

Hey! Been playing WoW for a long time now but these days I havenā€™t got the time to be playing too regularly or committing to any tight schedules. With that said it would be really nice to be in a guild which is still fairly active and has itā€™s own little community whilst staying flexible so this guild seems like a great fit!

Hey Konn,

Awesome to hear it!
Add me up on bnet and we can talk it over :slight_smile:
Have fun!

1 Like

Just the guild I need right now :slight_smile: I recently transfered my demon hunter to this realm and I am looking for a casual horde guild to join.
Iā€™m 32 years old, located in the Netherlands and got no time anymore for fulltime wow :wink: (which I did in vanilla and tbc).
Iā€™v send you a friend-request on battle.net

Greetings, Scruggs

Ah, the good old tbc days eh? :slight_smile:
Weā€™ve all been there :smiley:

Whisper me on bnet whenever and we can talk it out

Bumpety bump bump