You know gamers, a wise man once said “Show, don’t tell!”
Now I’ve spent a lot of time on this thread trying to tell you why you should join the Dust Devils for a rockin’ good time - but thanks to the magic of image capturing and Trust Level 3, it’s now within my power to show you why you should sign up to our band of dare devil do gooders!
So - without further a do, here’s a rogue’s gallery of all the screenshots from my events I remembered to take that actually came out not half bad!
Join the Dust Devils today, and you could find yourself:
Fighting off Banshee Loyalist mecha-dragons in the sky!
Fighting off Banshe Loyalist mecha-spiders in the snow!
Fighting off Banshee Loyalist Dreadnoughts in space!
Landing on them too!
Trying to avoid being eaten by giant bugs!
Trying to avoid being eaten by giant bats!
Trying to help this troll avoid being eaten by even larger bugs!
Battling this giant robot!
Battling this giant NUKULAR mutant!
Battling the entire Joy Division before they can unleash their fleet of spinning death discs across all of Azeroth!
Infiltrating this underground NUKULAR bunker!
Escaping the burning wreckage of this gunned down Horde airship!
Getting out of here without getting hideously irradiated!
And here without getting burned to a crisp!
Why, you can even take to the skies to sneak up on this giant flying brain parasite, before it’s enormously tentacled mother in the background can raise up to swallow the planet whole!
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, in the Dust Devils there’s literally NOTHING you can’t do - and those are just stories from the screen shots I did take! Imagine what goes on in the ones I didn’t, or couldn’t post here because I had my thumb in the way of the photo!
Don’t delay, join today, and next time it could be YOU fighting for your life in those screenshots!