(Happy Birthday to the) Dust Devils - 4 whole years of action adventure!

broke: low fantasy

woke: high fantasy

bespoke: fighting radiation-wielding undead sylvanas loyalists on the back of an airship over their advanced weapons research laboratory in the frozen wastes of Icecrown, all under the orders of an insane cowgirl.

my time has been short but glorious.


So you thought the Dust Devils had taken the holidays off?!

That with the New Order scattered to the winds, and Azero-Dex Incorporated’s latest dastardly plan to steal Christmas Winter’s Veil meeting an explosive ending, Kaitylinn and her motley crew might have been able to put their feet up and take a day off?!

Sorry kids; you thought wrong!

For a first thing, even the New Order’s tattered remains are still up to no good; perhaps even deadlier than before, for with no central command structure to organise their assaults, they now lash out like a cornered beast - even going so far as to avenge their fallen leader by activating the devastating “Unthinkable” machines, triggering a wave of catastrophic natural disasters all over Azeroth!

For a second, the burning remnants of their previous ploy for power -the cracks in time and space flung open by “Operation Unlimited”- are still out there; and attracting all sorts of attention! Already rumours talk of a gaggle of purple costumed cooks heading to the west, eager to get their hands on whatever remaining portal technology they can; no doubt for some purpose more sinister than even the loyalists originally intended!

For a third, the rest of our rogue’s gallery has been FAR from idle in the meantime; for while you’ve all been busy fighting the more familiar forces of evil (the Jailer and his posthumous posse!), so the lesser known names of the Velvet Glove and the Grey Choir, amongst others, have been fortifying their positions, and finalising their master plans! And with three planets, ten continents and two whole realms of existence to play with, who knows where, or how, they’ll strike next?!

Want to embrace yourself in even higher than high fantasy?! Ever fancied fighting masked mind-flaying assassins on the side of a star ship hurtling to the furthest reaches of space?! Or heroically leaping into the hereafter to halt a greedy megacorporation from privatising the very concept of death?!

Well the Dust Devils might just be for you; enlist today to fight the GOOD fight against the forces of evil you’ve never heard of!!

Check out our latest guild trailer, made with 100% in game found footage!


They make me look weak in their events… Hrrrngh, damn your villains Kaitylinn…

Love 'em though, always.

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Join the Devils!

Raise some Hell!

Save the world!


Thank you for the wild adventures! Always grand being along for one!

And thank you for the mercy shown for my less than godly rolls…


Alright ladies, listen up! I know you’re all as eager as I am to get right into the action, so I’ll keep this short!
We got a whole lotta Loyalists, bunkered in those mountains; and up there with 'em is the superweapon that’s being tearing Azeroth to pieces. It’s bought fires and floods, typhoons and tornados - and now, it’s powering up to unleash armageddon itself. All around it, there’s defensive cannons, booby traps, shield generators - not to mention an entire legion of Dreadtroopers; locked, loaded, and spoiling for a scrap!
And then?! Then there’s us; we’re the ones who’re gonna march right on in there, and blow it all STRAIGHT back to hell!

They called it “The Unthinkable”.

A geo-engineering machine, conceived by the foulest minds in the Loyalist war machine, built with only one purpose in mind - vengeance.

All across the planet, the loyalists inflicted devastation beyond measure on the free people of Azeroth; wiping away villages and towns, soldiers and civilians in the blink of an eye, turning the very ground they stood upon against them. Chasms opened; volcanoes erupted - oceans swelled, sweeping countless numbers into the sea. Buried within their hideout, the Loyalists looked on and smiled - knowing full well that this time, this time, nobody would be able to stop them.

Nobody that is - except for the Dust Devils, and all their allies bound together to fight the good fight!!

Blasting through barricades and blizzards of bullets, we fought our way deep underground, down to the very heart of the wretched machine; shedding life and limb until finally coming to its only vulnerability - the great NUKULAR engine, roaring beneath it. And you bet, we did what we do best.

Blew it all sky high!!

Dashing back out, as the base erupted around us, we portalled out of there; moments before the resulting explosion ripped the mountains asunder.


That’s right readers; you think I’m gonna put my feet up and settle down, now that’s all over and done with?!

Think again! The dust hasn’t even settled on the Unthinkable, and already the forces of evil are on the move once again; pouring troops into region after region, scouring the world for reasons as of yet unknown to us!

But whatever it is, we know it’s real bad news - and we’re gonna need you (yeah you!) to help us stop them!

Whether it’s the Carnevil in the high peaks of Northrend, or the Grey Choir in the sunken depths of Deepholm; wherever the B-List badguys strike, so the Dust Devils and their allies are there to strike back!!

Want to stand up and be counted to fight the good fight, and help keep Azeroth safe, now and forever?!

You know where to find us gamers; see you in the field!



Always fun and crazy with these guys.


Thank you for the kind words gamers - I only hope you had as much fun playing as I did DMing for you! You know you’re welcome back anytime; there’s always plenty more badguys in need of a beat down!

In fact, last time I counted (which was just now, because I have literally nothing better to do in a lockdown), we had exactly EIGHTEEN different villainous factions in need of a beatdown; hopefully before they can beat us, and crush the free people of Azeroth beneath their iron-clad heels!

From more familiar faces such as recently rebranded loyalists of the Resurgent Order; to lesser seen but NO LESS DEADLY ner-do-wells, like the skittering hordes at the command of the hideously mutated silithid brain bug buried below the earth - the driving force behind tonight’s insectoid adversary, “The Swarm”!

Born from Loyalist experiments gone BADLY wrong, the brain bug sits at the heart of a vast, pulsating hive mind - a neural net commanding trillions of tiny bugs (and their bigger, tougher cousins), who promptly swarm over and into their hosts, and use their fleshy forms as puppets for to carry out their own nefarious ends!

We don’t know where the brain bug is, or what it wants -but we DO know that it’s skittering minions have been sweeping all across Azeroth in recent months, festering in every nook and cranny they can find! And with distress calls coming in from Horde bases all over the planet, it’s clearly time for a little pest control!

Want to come along and help us squash the swarm?!

Valley of Honour, 20:30 realm time tonight - bring some fly spray and a swatter, it’s gonna be buzzin’!

(God I’m far too old to be using street slang)


I wish I had a Horde character :frowning:


You know gamers, a wise man once said “Show, don’t tell!”

Now I’ve spent a lot of time on this thread trying to tell you why you should join the Dust Devils for a rockin’ good time - but thanks to the magic of image capturing and Trust Level 3, it’s now within my power to show you why you should sign up to our band of dare devil do gooders!

So - without further a do, here’s a rogue’s gallery of all the screenshots from my events I remembered to take that actually came out not half bad!

Join the Dust Devils today, and you could find yourself:

Fighting off Banshee Loyalist mecha-dragons in the sky!


Fighting off Banshe Loyalist mecha-spiders in the snow!


Fighting off Banshee Loyalist Dreadnoughts in space!


Landing on them too!


Trying to avoid being eaten by giant bugs!


Trying to avoid being eaten by giant bats!


Trying to help this troll avoid being eaten by even larger bugs!


Battling this giant robot!


Battling this giant NUKULAR mutant!


Battling the entire Joy Division before they can unleash their fleet of spinning death discs across all of Azeroth!


Infiltrating this underground NUKULAR bunker!


Escaping the burning wreckage of this gunned down Horde airship!


Getting out of here without getting hideously irradiated!


And here without getting burned to a crisp!


Why, you can even take to the skies to sneak up on this giant flying brain parasite, before it’s enormously tentacled mother in the background can raise up to swallow the planet whole!


That’s right ladies and gentlemen, in the Dust Devils there’s literally NOTHING you can’t do - and those are just stories from the screen shots I did take! Imagine what goes on in the ones I didn’t, or couldn’t post here because I had my thumb in the way of the photo!

Don’t delay, join today, and next time it could be YOU fighting for your life in those screenshots!




That’s right, folks! You can also experience an aquaphobic’s worst nightmare: Risk getting drowned in the sea, a mage’s nightmare of unreliable portal services -and- on top of that; a manifestation of action comedy where you are actually safer juggling dynamite over a lit brazier pan, although that is nowhere near as fun as adventuring with the Dust Devils!


The guild that is worth the repair bills, therapy bills and hazmat suits


Millions of brain eating bugs, about to erupt from their nests and swarm all over Azeroth!

Hundreds of weaponised flying machines, teleported into our world spitting death and destruction!

Dozens of hidden NUKULAR missiles, buried beneath us, primed and ready to detonate!

And only a handful of Dust Devils on hand to stop them!

Outnumbered and hopelessly outgunned, can our daring do gooders sweep through in time to save the day, or will Azeroth finally fall to the dark forces of evil?!

You’ll have to find out by reading this latest entry in the awesome adventures of the Dust Devils and friends - coming immediately to a forum near you!

That’s right Argent Dawn; hot of the heels of blowing the deadliest Loyalist superweapon ever conceived to smithereens, the Dust Devils were INSTANTLY called off to the Plaguelands; where the foul forces of the Swarm planned to smother the planet in their ravenous offspring by blasting them high into the atmosphere from their exceedingly explosive hives-!

Only the lucky find of a long abandoned Horde missile station helped the Dust Devils save the day; blasting those bugs out of the sky before they could unfurl all over the world!

Just as we settled down to celebrate; word came of another threat from the sky - an entire fleet of Joy Division death discs, floating out of a giant portal over Northrend armed and ready to burn a smile into the faces of every man woman and child!

Fortunately, we were able to fight our way through the war in the air to the very heart of the portal itself, and shut it down in the nick of time - literally slicing those death discs in half!

And as for the underground NUKULAR warheads; well that event has happened yet, but you know it’s coming!

That’s right readers, there’s never a dull day for the Dust Devils and friends - especially not a Tuesday, because that’s the first of our bi-weekly event nights!

Want to come by and give us a try?! The more the merrier; tomorrow’s villains will be very happy to have you for dinner…

Listen okay, our portal guy says we get the service we pay for - and since I don’t pay him, no wonder we land in the things we do!

Remember friends, neither your life nor contents insurance are valid for accidents or injuries recieved during Dust Devils adventures!

But thank you all for the very kind words; it means a lot to know I’m not the only one enjoying myself! =)

See you in the field gamers; peace-!


You called the PCU? :smirk:

Honestly though, I haven’t really interacted much with the Dust Devils, but I’ve played with Kaitylinn a few times and they do the most insane and funny priest rp I know.
If their guild is even half as cool as their leader, y’all should defo check them out!


Thank you Pacific Coast University; very cool!

Officer I swear I’ve never met this insane and funny priest lady; but whoever they are I can assure you they’re flattered! Honestly I just drop my keyboard and hope for the best - but I’m glad you liked the results! =] And heck, if anyone in the Harbour ever needs piecing back together again, I’m only one promise of free liquor away!

also after a week of fighting body snatching aristocratic ghosts, i’ve spun the “wheel of villains” for this week’s events and its landed squarely on the dust devil’s own dollar store darkmoon faire, the carnevil. come catch us in azshara on sunday where we’ll be kicking a rubber fish through a void gate, which will somehow save azeroth from an army of carnies!


The Pastor has graced us with fair payment after a long night of carnevil craziness.

And Raki achieved a 100% kill rate. In case no one was keeping score.

Bringing a crazy undead lady of our own helped, but quite honestly? Bring Piv next time.

Oh, and next time you need to give random baddies a good beating, you know who to call.




-There are at least seventeen separate doomsday machines poised and ready to destroy several major cities at the push of a button?!

-70% of female forsaken have “World domination” listed as their number one ambition for the next ten years?!

-And that you’re never more than six feet away from one of those same aspiring supervillains?!

Fortunately, we also found that joining the Dust Devils is recommended by 9 out of 10 dentists as the most effective way to stop those cackling corpses in their tracks!

Make sure you sign up today to fight the good fight against the ever expanding forces of evil; it’s what the statistics would want you you to do!

And thank you for the kind words Rakihu; we sure shoved that circus back out of town, and saved some hordies to boot! It was a pleasure to have you as always - and it was great to have a crazy undead lady on our side for a change!

Well, another crazy undead lady besides Kaitylinn, that is!

Alas, no sooner has one wing of the Carnevil been vanquished, than at the other side of Azeroth, another begins to emerge - the circus is certainly out in force my friends, and it’s up to us to save our allies from pyromaniac pixies and carnivorous clowns!

Will we get there in time; or will ever more hordies find themselves trapped in a reign of terror under Mad Mixie’s big top tents?!

You’ll just have to find out in the upcoming episodes of the Dust Devils animated adventures - coming soon to Argent Dawn!


What’s the best way/day to get in touch in-game with you guys? Seems like a really fun guild!

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Hi friend; you’re far too kind! :smiley:

And if you do want to get in touch; give me a whisper in game - I’m usually around from about 20:30 realm time every day, always happy to hear from folks! =)