Happy Valentines day

I knew that was coming… :sweat_smile:


You’re back! It was so quiet here without you!:hugs:


I just have to tripple check before i press enter because ive served 2 bans this week for nothing imho but im not going to change my posting stlye that much !!

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I think you will do just fine just steer clear for the current event mount references :rofl: It’s very dangerous area where also i would have fallen down if i would not always keep the mental image in my head that i am talking to the group of 4 year olds at the police departments childrens party. You know, not as their mental capacity but more like “how to put my words here where everyone is not adult”. As side effect if also helps a lot when dealing some posts with less understanding tones for other people :rofl:

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Yes i shall i think ive cooled down now on that and ty for the kind words of advice ,i have so many friends on the forums that i dont want to be perm banned x


You need to tell me in game later what you did!

thank you!

good creature!!


did they ban you too? worthless moderation lmao.
blizz released 8% of its workers - 800 people, but not those “moderators”. shame!

few people got banned because we were talking about mount (which we cant mention to avoid future bans).

Wow! So no laughing and no talking about in game rewards :speak_no_evil:

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mods are roleplaying 1940s of europe :joy:

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Don’t get banned! forums will be sad without yall!


dont worry, I invested some gold I had into immortality :joy: Im like a cat… but I have 17 lives. :smiley:

an annoying but lovable diva?..:slight_smile:

mhmm, im also very cute

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