Have not played for a while

OK. Best of luck finding something that suits you!

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Just dropping in to say it’s great to see so much help for someone returning! Welcome back to Azeroth, we hope you enjoy your stay :smiley:

Those two deserve a raise for helping me, they were amazing.

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Yeah, I expect them to double my salary any day now. :stuck_out_tongue:

(split it with me and maybe I might try WoW tonight?)


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i /played about 400 days from first week of vanilla launch to season 3, had a break and returned for season 5 and 6 and loved it. For all my play i was in the top end raiding guilds and did arena at 1.8-2k ratings. I did eventually quit because i was playing other games.

I returned for BFA and the game was terrible, i joined mid season but grinded a lot and got pretty good gear, close to best pug-able/welfare gear. I decided to train for arena and having set up my macros and binds i couldn’t even get to 1500 even tho i was getting pretty good at my clicking, rotations and basic strats.

My lifetime duel stats aren’t the best but they are if i remember correctly in thousands and positive winrate, in 8.1 having geared up i could hardly win a duel lest i was selecting the very worst possible players to play and thus bumhunting.

All in all i figured it was just too much to learn, too many new classes, overwhelming amount of new spells and so many people raging in arena. The partners i could find for arena were all either not competitive players, rage quitters or otherwise disagreeable.

In the end i felt utterly disheartened and just quit playing. I think that had there been an option to solo-queue arena i would probably be able to learn the classes and rank up to then do other content, raiding or playing in other brackets.

I still would like to return to wow but returning to 8.1 was a complete waste of time, a lot of time.

TLDR; I don’t advice returning if you aren’t returning for the story line and solo questing.

The game i would return for is classic wow with arenas or the standard game with solo queue.


Took your advice on board, definitely not returning also do not wanna just solo quest and do repetitive ones 24/7… so ill give WoW a miss for a long while.

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