Have you ever commissioned artwork of your WoW Character?



I just tried to take a pic of my figureprint but I can’t get it without a load of reflections as it’s in a glass dome.

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Shame :frowning:

I draw my own!

I started a series where I was doing busts of all my AD characters but then the server limit increased to 50 and suddenly i had loads to draw and it became daunting.

but here are some!

This is Croecell.

And this is my wildhammer dwarf;

And my pandaren priest;


No I but I do take commissions myself.
Don’t really have much to show related to wow since when I started to play I also started a new school so not a lot of time to draw.

But did manage to draw my alliance main(my very first wow character) at the start of her journey.


A lot of ADers have art of their characters (some comissioned, some drawn by the players themselves!)

We have a thread with plenty of wonderful art in it here;

So, if you’re looking for an artist to do a comission, there are plenty in there!


By itachiuchihaonline on deviantArt. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m waiting for my allowance so that I can get more made of my new characters.

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No but one of my guildies does amazing art that sometimes pops up on reddit, always fun to see.


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Thanks for mentioning it Cro!

That thread indeed has many. I myself draw my own.

Here’s some of my own wow drawings:


Sadly no… I’m a poor uni student from an economically disastrous country so I don’t have enough money to pay for art commisions… :frowning:

No. 10chars

Well I do pretty cheap sketch commissions, well more like shaded linearts if you ever want to consider one. So like quality as I posted earlier just no colors.
Totally shameless self-advertising here.

Sadly no. But I would wish someone would create my Void elf (With the new customizations) battling Orcs and Amani trolls. Would be cool. I’m making him a female in SL Though

Sadly I can’t afford it. Especially since I used my Savings on a race change and boost

I have


mh then not


Yes one for every month + 1 on every event like chrimass, halloween or new patch with content. Im still guild leader so I request commisions for guild characters or bannera for every raid.

No, I can barely afford the game in the first place.

I have not, but I do follow a few artists on twitter who makes these pictures, and they are incredible beautiful… I would not pay for it myself though, but I understand why somebody would do so :slight_smile:

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god thats so cute.

Not actually commissioned, but my girlfriend has drawn mine and her characters a few times.

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