Havoc DH in a very bad place right now

Haha so its ok for sub to be totally broken i guess?

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DH still has mobility and mana burn, so it’s kinda fine, they don’t need all the damage when they can just manaburn.

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Yeah god forbid someone could actually do something against healers (manarift)

Just confirms what i say: People want an easy way, and they want specs to be useless so they can compensate for lack of skills in pvp, and flex on top of dps meters.


Yeah you really need all that mobility + manaburn in pve.

That’s called “playing a Demon Hunter”.


Complexity in a class shouldn’t be tied to its performance. The reason is that the lack of complexity in WoW doesn’t offer any advantage at medium and high-tier gameplay. It is only a factor at the bottom 20% of players. This is not a fighting game where you have to input multiple frame-perfect buttons in specific order to get the most out of your character. This is game where every 1 second you have to push one button. And if you mess up the timing, the game will buffer the action for you.

The problem with DH was that it was too powerful, not too simple. Simplicity is fine.

Don’t they still have good aoe? As I understood, there’s some mechanic that reduces your eye beam cd, so you just keep trucking with that thing and do big splash damage.

Without corruptions and one specific azerite trait havoc would be dead more then year ago dps wise it doesnt scales not becouse of shadowlands, but becouse it has zero interactions in offensive abilities. Survivability of havoc was just absurd thats why it was nerfed, thats the reason why the spec is hated so much … broken, free survivability when it was meant to be fast easy to play glass canon…

This is also fun, a non-stopping hatetrain wich people just jump on, clueless about what they talk about.

Its wow 2020, there are no complex specs.

DH dps atm is horrible. And it looks no good in beta.

Some guy did the same dps with a 106 itemlevel frost dk as he did with his 133 itemlevel havoc dh.

This is the way community wants it. Now they got it.

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you would be surprised if you would try to play some other classes skill gap between builds ,specs and classes is actualy pretty high… even havoc wasnt realy easy to play well, when it was released, we had like 1 solid dh in the guild in emerald nightmare and 4 uther trash dpsers.

Nothing wrong with having easy classes to play. It’s a good way to spot the noobs (and farm them :smiling_imp:).

Those gaps are not what they used to be. There are no really complex dps specs, exeption might be feral druid, hard to get good numbers on and also hated by blizz so always low.

Sub rogue used to be kind of complex, its not any longer.

And i play 4-5 toons in endgame content all the time and have tried most specs.

And im not one of those who called havoc so braindead easy. As you say, its not that easy to play well, depending on content.

I hate havoc dh, but the way how it works 3 years is made by talents… harder talents just sucks and easyest brained build is only one which works… sadly, btw try ret with current meta build on shadowlands and try to call it easy i am fighting with it last 3 days and it will take me pretty long time to master it. Even after 15 years of playing the game, enhancement is also not very easy to play now…

Shrug, I don’t want to play against a class that has an omnidirectional evasion on a 3 second cd while also having 30% leech on a 70% uptime, while also pumping better cleave than any other class. If their dps gets more acceptable, fine, but I do not wish to see garbage like

Make a return, especially when all of that is tied to your basic rotation. I had very similar issues with BFA Furywarr, it was also a braindead spec with utility baked into basic rotation.


It was freaking garbage in BfA and DHs get to be weak at last for one expansion!

Mained ret since wotlk, wouldnt call it very hard, but pretty easy spec to play but harder to master. Dont expect it to last, ret will be nerfed, have a history in shining in prepatches and early expac and then…

In 8.3 dh was mediocre in raid, good in m+, good in 2v2, and bad in 3v3 (Main form of pvp wich pvp is balanced around)

The numbers do not lie.

A dps dh cannot change to another spec and be op. he or she will have to reroll.

A sub rogue in bfa could switch outlaw/assa. Nice to have three dps specs to chose from.

And lets be honest, rogues have been meta since vanilla.

But i guess thats ok. way it supposed to be !

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I do main ret from the very begining of WoW, so i know how the spec stands historicaly. I am realy not afraid of it. I will always find the right way with my Ret in raids or dungeons, even pvp when it will be neccesary (I am not fan of pvp in wow anyway) , dont wory about me :slight_smile:


thats my cow

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