Healer looking for 2day raiding guild

I’m an experienced mw monk, current progress 3/9 mythic and also 1560r.i.o

Looking for a guild raiding any day with understanding that real life sometimes comes in the way (working/children)

Looking for 7-8gmt starts

Whisper aro#12491 to chat

Currently ravencrest would love to stay here but open to change.

Seems your tag isnt working mate,

Please add me Beckmiester#2563

updated sorry about that

Hey Cloudfist!

My guild has just transferred to Ravencrest from Outland and we are currently recruiting a Mistweaver for our core team! We are 5/9M and 2/2 Heroic (can find our progress on Dark Hearts - Outland, since it hasn’t updated yet)

My btag is Megnog#2217 so if you are interested or have any questions, let me know! :slight_smile:

P.s I accidently posted as my hunter, but I meant to post on my druid, so sorry for the spam xD

Hello Cloudfist!

If you still are looking for a guild add my battletag Fangi#2231 and we can have a chat

My guild is Latinus Namus - Draenor currently 5/9M

Hey mate.

If you are still looking for a guild you can have a look at this.

If you are interested, just contact me on B-net
