Healer looking for a home

The short story about me is: Mature, ex-hardcore now more semi-hardcore due to bury RL (family and job), still very ambitious once the raid starts.

I am looking for: 2 nights/week (1 day has to be in the weekend) raiding guild with a mature, rational, relaxed, international, organised atmosphere. I don’t really care about what server or faction you are on, but if I am required to change either, it would be nice if it was a big server - just in case it isn’t a fit. I prefer hc/mythic-raids - going hard for CE tends to require more than I can provide atm.

What you get: All my chars are healers - haven’t done anything but healing since vanilla. It would require a very good reason if I should change, and even then it would be mediocre at its best, and it had to be RDPS. But it can be done, iff need be, for certain bosses - have been done in the past. All my chars are herb/alch and cooks - I take care to provide whatever I need for the raids with the limited time I have. I like to push M+ keys as well - I quite enjoy the challenge, and have a few tank-friends, though nothing completely fixed atm.

Right now I am focusing on this shammy and bringing it up to speed - but obviously behind, since I am not raiding and pugging M+. I have a better geared Monk as well and a priest who is a little behind. Prefer this shammy or my priest. I am most likely more flexible on the dps-part on my priest.

Contact: Nyo#2226 in case it has any interest.

Hey there!

If you would be interested in joining the horde and changing server then we have a home for you!

Please check my post - [H] Sanctus Pauci - LF HC/Mythic Raiders

Thank you

Guild found