Healer m+ balance jumped into a ditch this season

Oh for sure. You are 100% right.

But IMO this season is a bit weird and could be considered kind of like an exception. Because that 1 or 2 key-levels you mention… well that’s a 11/12 basically. 13 at best.

The way I see it, spec representation is basically random if you look at the +2 key level range. While at the top end of the keys you got only 5 specs represented (the meta).

And in between you have some curve. What matters to me is the shape of this curve.

In S1 DF, this curve flattened out in 1 or 2 keylevels from max keys. As you mentioned earlier. In S2 of DF it took like 10 keylevels from max keys because the Exodia comp was so OP.

And this season, although spec balance is not bad and the “meta comp” is not OP like Exodia comp used to be… Blizzard has instead decided to squish key levels such that there is no space for this curve to flatten out.

Dont know if it makes any sense what I am saying. But I have a suspicion WW is special in that regard.

I am not sure about this? What spec is only able to do a +13?

When the top keys are now 17-18, then i think all specs are right now doing at least a 16.
All healers have timed at least 1 +17. Even holy priest.

The topics discussed are always the same.
shaman meta .
blizzard shaman god said.
That’s the whole problem.
The solution is to delete the other classes.
Let’s continue with paladin and shaman.

Not really:





I mean sure… you do have some small % representation for every spec. None are sitting at exactly 0%. But I would hardly call that “all specs are doing at-least 15+”.

Its not about ability to do it. Its about the effort you need to be able to do it.

Its like RShaman in DF. Sure, Laren was there with his off-meta comp of Warrior + Ret + RShaman + Tank + Aug…

But the degree of coordination, skill, and effort required to pull off what Laren did (in case of RShaman) is not realistically achievable by most people.

Thats just for high keys though. And 1/2 levels below a world first (+15 right now) is still an insane level of skill that will take a LONG TIME for anyone to reach, if at all.

Most people sit in the range you were in S3 DF (25s, 26s, 27s) while the world first people were doing 30s and 31s.

That would put a “normal player” like you and me in the +12/+13 range. And that is how I get that number.

Well, that is basically because professionals are making a living out of this game and will go for that 0.01% better spec that fits the comp.

What i do think is blizz should focus on underperforming specs and then let players at the top have their fun with their choosen composition.

Most players weren’t at 25-27. Definitely not.
All timed +20’s wasn’t even 18%. 25’s wasn’t 2%.

OK. You got a point.

But it was the level at which that extra 0.1% performance actually started to make a difference. In S3 specifically, it was the range at which having an Aug began to be a requirement for example. Its when being picky about the choice of specs actually had an impact and there was a point to doing it.

Its a bit more than just 0.01% at the moment. There is a reason why meta comps exist.

For sure. But I still believe that compressing the playerbase in to such a reduced number of key-levels also plays a roll. In WW specifically.

I think we both agree the current wall of +12 is crazy, and that Aug is an abomination :grin:

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Another complaint about healer balance hahahahaha