Hello all, Returning player looking for a guild

Hey, I am returning to the game after 6 years and looking to join a guild that does casual raiding and does Mythic +. I am up for being a dps class for whatever the guild needs.

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Maybe Punished on Dentard/Tarren Mill could be something of interest.

Long post: Punished is looking for more raiders

Short version: casual, aim AotC maybe some early mythic bosses (starting usually from normal). M+ over the weekend or maybe in the evenings. We have mainly older players with IRL commitments so kinda chill on the attendance part.

We raid Thursday and Monday from 21 to 00 server time.

If we are something you are interested in, then add me on discord and I can introduce us more: Mari#6813

Hey man!
Check out our recruitment post, perhaps we might be something for you?

Cya in azeroth!

Hey Mikonn,

Take a look at our guild on draenor assuming you are willing to change realm / server.
If you like what you see join our discord and we will take it from there.

[LFM] [EU] [H&A] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Hi, if you are 18+ then The Old Grudge could be a good fit for you.

Check out this post: [H/A] [Deathwing EU] The Old Grudge is a home for older gamers

Hi there!

We raid friday nights and mythic+ other times. Looking for more friends to play with! Super friendly, casual family atmosphere focussing on fun over anything else.

Feel free to say hi in our discord

BN: QweggyD#2216
Discord: Qweggla

Hmu to talk and we can see if Above the Lore (Stormscale EU) are a good fit for you.

Howdy Mikonn,

We are a casual normal/heroic Guild based on Draenor that are starting to raid this season. Our raid times are Sunday & Tuesday at 20:00 ST each week. Here’s a little more about us and if you want to get in touch send a message to frasoric on Discord. You can be a dps for us!!! :grinning: