Hello. I'm The Slooze

Hello there and hope you’ve had a great holiday season!

So there aren’t any real goblin themed guilds that I know (This being only Goblin made / goblin allowed).

The closest I could find after scouring for you however leaves me with two groups that might take your interest if you’re looking for more Goblin-based aesthetics;


Gearbeast Inc.

Concept: Goblin business with the slightly-more employee-friendly tinge that Steamwheedle is known for. But that doesn’t mean we’ll go easy on anyone getting in the way of business!

Though the latter accepts other races and the former takes on both Goblin and Gnomes. They’re the best groups I can think of to point you forward to!

Hope either one takes your interest and nothing but the best for 2025 and your RP adventures! :slight_smile: