Hello, Returning player looking for a small m+/raiding guild

Hello friends,
As the title says, I’m looking for a late evening guild to raid with for the rest of season 4 and onwards onto TWW.
It doesnt particularly matter what days the raids happen to be on however would prefer it to be 8:30pm server time onwards.
Willing to move server after getting to know people and if the fit is right! Hoping to find some like minded people to dungeon, raid and chill with.
I’ve been raiding since Cata mainly doing heroic but have dabbled a little in mythic, not looking for anything too hardcore, casual is just fine.
I would prefer to play as rogue dps but also have access to a few other classes if needed, Fire Mage/ Fury Warrior/ Resto Druid
Add me on bnet - Lukeyy#2645 if you are interested, if you made it this far then thanks for reading xD

Not sure if we raid to early for you…but could be a good fit