Soulburn - Undead Mage, not intending to go classic but I’m now gonna hit Shadowlands on my DK named Desteas
hello my friend, i am Makonha-Orc-Warlock and played in CL too with Gore, Plasticsocks, Anubia, Ibrahimi, Ricardinho,… i miss a lot that time, good times.
hahaha, remember me, Makonha-Orc-Warlock guild master of Fearless Tugas Clawn.
I am Makonha - Orc - Warlock, played in CL (Cro Legion) , O R D A, Less is More and Fearless Tugas Claw.
OMG, how i miss that times, best time in this game history.
I remember of some friends i never saw again but i will never forget and others who i am IRL friend today.
From CL (CRO LEGION Guild) My best guild ever.
Gore - Troll - Mage (CL GM)
Plasticsocks - Undead - Warlock (Officer)
Anubia - Undead - Warlock (Class Leader)
Jenlaine (don’t remember class)
Hibrahimi - Taurem - Warrior (Our funny main tank), remember this Hibra “were the camel”, hahahah
Ricardinho and many others who i don’t remember the name.
Pex - Orc - Hunter (a funny guy :D)
Remember very well of
Shulka - Orc - Warrior (Less is more)
Rambrazil - Undead - Warrior
Kali - Undead - Rogue
IRL Friends today
Tirinhos - Taurem - Shaman (Lunaci and CAANG)
SLBenfica - Troll - Mage
Matombo - Undead - Rogue
Matamouros - Orc - Shaman
Aggro , 60 Hunter.
Used to be in guild Korkron Elite.
I was a real noob … some may say still are.
Would love to come in contact with old guildies .
I was also in the guild Red Moon as my tauren warrior , but it was before they started raiding…way in the start , and I forgot the name of him.
Wow, i just found out this thread is a thing.
I played Talruum, a Tauren Warrior in CL, joined Zilthuras in the merger, and ended up back in CL when that thing fell apart (Naxx progress was a real struggle back then).
I recognize a lot of names in here.
Fun times.
This may be a ridiculous necro, but I’m old - I remember Bellybutton!
Shaidan. Demon Warlock Guild Red Moon