Help me leave PUG hell

Sadly just don’t get any good healers apart from some holy pally’s. These cloth priests somehow end up dead before anyone else in the group…I’d say that’s what I hate about pugging.

You should be grateful someone even wants to tank pugs and carry your noob butt. Play a tank yourself first and see how hard it is.

Not sure what brought this ill informed rant on (but hey its the internet right?)

But I do play a tank. Duuuuuh.

This isn’t any less common on the EU realms. Preach have been talking about it a lot recently. >15+ keys tend to be way easier because the players are better, the other day they tried pugging a +10 in a video and it was just awful. The +7-13 M+ range is the nightmare zone because that’s where all the baddies pile up and can’t push through.

You can see them pug 14/15 keys without many issues in the TDP series.

Healing this week is a nightmare and bringing up pally as an example is hilarious. They are freaking op in any aspect of the game

I hope this is not necro, but i do feel your pain. I have recently gained KSM as a resto druid. It was a very painful grind. Got rejected by ppl who had 200 lower RIO score, failed many many runs because ppl were clueless. Like you i do mess up a key once in a while but thats human nature.
My advise to you is exactly what i did. Accept the fact that this is a very painful grind but one that you will eventually conquer. Accept the fact that 90% of the time you will be rejected and that most of the time when you will be accepted the key will deplete. However also accept the fact that there are these decent groups that you will join and slowly but steadily time your dungeons. Set a goal for yourself, 1 or more dungs per week to time on 15 and try to spam Q. Eventually a good group will invite you and timing that key will be rewarding. Also try to steadily rank up your rio. Try getting everything on 10, then 11 or 12, then 13-14 then try for 15s. At least ppl will see a higher RIO number and have a better incentive to invite you.
Don’t give up, if I did it so can you! cheers mate you got this.

Stop pugging via the noob finder, make a group of friends and do it in a few days.

if it was so ez my friend it not also be picky inv even for 15 keys take u time might take hours but wort it dont want boost scrubs noobs u group

I feel your pain man. I’m still kicking around the 1.1k mark in despite the fact I was about 3.4k last season. Truth is I had some buddies who I played with but they have stopped playing since early Shadowlands.

Added to this is the current nature of M+ has done nothing to encourage people to tank so the ratio of tanks to other roles is way, way off. I’m in a guild and in several communities but the communities only ever seem to need tanks or healers and people in the guild always already seem to have their own groups of people. Blizz need to do something to even up the ratios…make tanks feel loved.

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