Help Wanted: Inquire at the Whelp Daycare

Not post-nerfs. Which were after I’d posted my original comment :smile_cat:

It’s still one of my less favoured dungeons, but 18 feels reasonable this week. Fortified with any kind of trash affix might still be a bit crap.

I don’t mind rare hunting that much; IF I can solo them and if they’re worth hunting down. Both of which is not true for the Caverns rares.

I agree on the snail races: It’s stupid.

Pretty sure we’re rebuilding the aspects here, unless I am the one misunderstanding the story of Dragonflight.

ok this is fun for the kids, but what about your playerbase?

I dunno, maybe just don’t play this content instead of dumping on it. Many players are going to love this and the new battle pets it will bring.

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Dragonflight started in 40, the Hour of Twiligt when Deathwing died and Aspects are reduced to mortal state was 29
11 years is not that long (and frankly, it was quite a busy decade with Mists, Warlords, Legion, Bfa and Shadowlands with only the last few years relatively peaceful; even if retconed and they were able to lay eggs, it would have been very irresponsible thing to do to lay eggs in the middle of the end of the world)
Especially when it comes to dragons
Also the Black Flight never was effected since Neltharion never added his own powers in the Dragon’s Soul, so thats not a problem
The Azurewing in Azsuna had young whelps but they literally camped on Azeroth exposed leylines filled with the energies of the planet

“The dragons have more eggs than they can manage” means every egg of every flgiht - as it suposed to be - arrived to the Ruby Life Pools
We reactivated the Red oathstone and re-energized the pools so what you wrote:

remained true; the Ruby Life Pools energies (mystical an powerfull enough with an attached Titanic facility and water filled with Titanic energies) helped to hatch and the eggs were laid prior the Hour of Twilight
Except Broodmother Dracasia in the Obsidian Citadel, no one else is mentioned newly layed eggs in the expansion


None of this changes the question at hand even if implied to be in dragonflight.

It wasn’t the dragonsoul that stopped it. In the raid back in cata each of the aspects use their titanic power to do one core thing to deathwing, this is that sacrifice, not the dragonsoul. It was the response to deathwing channelling his own titanic power into “Cataclsym” to end all life.

Later on, blizzard historian Loreology confirmed the black dragonflight were affected by this.
Azurewing also had “That last” which had implied the lack of reproducing that was stated in cata to be true.

The oathstone and facility definately helps hatch eggs, but still doens’t give us anything about current reproducing. Even broodmother Dracasia brought eggs from outland to hatch here. (hatching in outland is obviously bad netherwings sus)

But all the same, I just want a blizzard Historian to just tell us dragons can reproduce, it was such a silly thing.

Deios is the only one who knows how the aspects can regain their power.

By the way, this is implemented yet or not? Because no Herald Flaps came to offer me any quests… :roll_eyes:

we had war for 15 years, now it’s time to chill.

Patch drops on Wednesday

Finally someone chill content. I was looking forward for this :slight_smile:

This a serious reply?

If so; hey man, you do you. I just don’t get it.
And that’s coming from a predominantly world content player.
I feel insulted to be asked to be a damned babysitter in a game where we slay monsters!

(of course, there’s also the fact that none of the rewards are remotely interesting to me in any way, shape or form).

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This used so many time it is anyoing at this point
Yes, it is called World of Warcraft, which means, a game is in and about the Warcraft universe
And thats all
If it would be called World of Middle-Earth, it would be in the Lord of the Rings tolkienesque universe, if it would be called World of Equestria it would be a My Little Pony universe
Should have been called Wolrd of Azeroth and this argument would lose all of its ground… but Warcraft was a known brand so they named that
Warcraft, contrary of popular belief is not about constant War and not a “true” fantasy, in the tolkienesque sense… even WC1 whole story was, alien invaders - orcs - came from another planet via a stargate basically to conquer (and fail miserably… twice. Or more. the game should been called World of Failures) - It never was a medieval fantasy about 0-24 war but more like a steampunk High fantasy with heavy Sci-Fi elements
The game is in the Warcraft universe and Dragons, whelps and cute things, “chill content” abd peace is just as part of if as war.
Actually war is always owershadowed by the amount of peacefull times
Wt is proper content to you by the way? PvP? Story about 0-24 battlefileds? Pet battle?

It seems we were right
We use the Oathstones to hatch the eggs

well i tried to actually go there and do the quests on an alt and the whelps are adorable lol i like it

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