Helping others when 1-1 in the open world

I would help an ally no matter if they’re wining or losing, and I do it all the time.
People can call me whatever because of this, I don’t care. The “outnumbering is not cool” doesn’t work with me.


If I come across a 1v1, I almost always jump in to help.

1: Free kill
2: I don’t know who started, but I’m siding with the hordie for convenience.


Depends on where it is at, in bfa place i help to kill the ally fast.

If it is at some lowbie place i like to jump around nearby and do some emotes.
If hordie is close to lose i throw him a pet heal or a trap.
Never let your hordie friend lose! :wink:


If I see a 1v1, I wait and see. If my ally is winning, I let him win his 1v1. If I see he is losing, I’ll wait until the last possible moment before joining the fight. So that the enemy player, although dying without getting a kill, has the satisfaction of knowing he “won” his 1v1.

Unless I was there at the start and it was my ally that attacked a dude just chilling doing his wq, in which case u start a fight be prepared to win it alone


Was that in Drustvar, near Corlain, beside a pond and bridge? There was a Horde Pala and his Alli buddy practicing pvp last night, and another Alli. The Horde Pala expected to 1v1, in Drustvar… at a well travelled spot, during Call to Arms. I joined in on that, nice free kill. Got plenty complaints from both! Anything goes in wpvp, no rules. Whatever another player wants or not is irrelevant, it’s your sub, your game, do whatever is fun for you. WM on = KILL!


Thanks everyone for your input, much appreciated! ^^
Much love to everyone! <3


yeah sounds like that guy was a dick. Most people will run in to help people of their faction, its usually a easy kill plus the person may help you later. We have all been there though when we were fighting one person and there were people nearby who did nothing and you cant help but feel pissed off at them.


Ha. I do this too. But i just jump in if i think they’re losing straight away.

In battlegrounds i wait till the last second because well, killing blow mean something to some people :yum:

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i always jump in a fight even if i know i am going to die ( 5vs1 or so )

but to be fair… ur a mage… and u attack a pally… kinda stupid to even try that 1vs1

great posting from a alt again


I wouldn’t let an ally die, but if I know they’re gonna die and he’ll kill me too I won’t bother lol

I usually jump in, unless the ally is clearly winning. I’ll also use a stun if the losing Horde player tries to run away :slight_smile:

I hate it to be attacked from 2 players so I doesn’t do it myself too. I don’t care if my Ally dies or not because in the end we’re all just humans which play a faction.

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You’re right. Its not nice to leave your faction friend to be defeated. I would do the same.
And that guy was a real dick. Ignore people like him. Clearly, some people suffer too much about their knowledge and how good players they are. They dont take in consideration that majority of players are casual to semi-hardcore. Also, this “noob” majority of players keep the game alive. Because if we look at numbers and statistics (warcraftlogs for example), on thoose lists appear only a small percentage of player compared to total number. If theese “noobs” would not exist to play and pay for this game, Blizzard would not keep WoW alive for just a few thousands “PRO” players. And theese players, like your dick ally mate, instead to be kind and helpfull, they try as much possible to make us leave the game…

Hello again Hypax! :slight_smile: “it’s not nice to leave your faction friend to be defeated” you say, and say you would help by joining the fight.
In the same time in another thread you complain against outnumbering.

So 2vs1 or more according to you there is not honorable. But in this thread it is.
Just saying :wink:


Hmmm… rping honor must be situation dependent.


And what should people think about you on the other hand, who uses the word “retard” toward the other poster, when he cannot present a valid argument? You can keep on with “retard and low IQ” until a forum vacation, I suppose.


He sounds like a total ars3hole I always jump in to help even if theres 5 horde and only 1 ally I’ll jump in to help sometimes die to overwhelming players doing it and sometimes we kill all of the horde, or other ally jump in. I have killed horde before though many times whilst other horde have just stood and watched their comrade die


I look and if they’re losing i’ll help out, if not then i’ll just watch for free entertainment then finish them off at the end for free honor.

I always like the guys where you help out and they just run away, leaving you to finish their fight for them. Dw about it little buddy! Be free, my fellow hordeling.


I almost always jump to help an Ally the instant I see something is going on, and I don’t care, even if just from pragmatical reason - there could be another enemy(s) passing by, so it’s better to get first as low as possible before that happens. I don’t care who started it or whatever, if my Ally in trouble and I can do something about it - that’s a good enough reason. Plus faction conflict is a part of the game and I want to enjoy my game to the fullest.

But I stop if an Ally signals for 1v1 in any form. Sometimes I even sheep enemy to make up for health lost from my jump-in. But if Ally is losing it - I jump back to help anyway.

When I see 1v1 of the same classes, I usually let them have their fun if Ally is not dangerously low. But I can’t keep myself from trolling their opponent by spellstealing or slowing them, etc.

When I see something like 1-2 vs 3-5 more etc - I also jump in the instant I see it, if not for the win, then at least to try and root/slow/interrupt enemies to help Ally(s) to get away.

I don’t know, maybe this is some kind of weird luck, but every single time I stumble upon solo Paladin in trouble and jump in to help - they always, 100% of the time, bail leaving me with what was their trouble. It very rarely happens with any other class, so rare that I never even cared about it. But this paladin-luck is starting to get to me, and that is why now “I almost always jump to help”, hehe.

If you need “some” reason - Silvanas keeps telling that honor means nothing to a corpse, so make your enemy into a corpse no matter how, and your honor/dishonor shouldn’t matter to them. Or something simple, like “I don’t like his name” or “he walked funny / pulled a sneaky move / needed to be arrested” etc.

This ^
And being reliable in helping your Ally is always more honorable (Fun!) that being a passive spectator.

Those trash talks scripted so good! From the real Bwonsamdi… Every time I die while trying to get away with blinks - it about blink not getting you far. When I die in stunlock - it’s about getting over your head. He really knows how to cheer you up, haha

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