Why does that matter, anyone can post anywhere they like.
I seen this a long time ago didn’t think anything was wrong xD wth man.
They could remove 95% of botting by banning anyone with an iranian IP.
They refund, so technically it’s free
To play the game from Iran you need to have a VPN active…
Banning anyone with an active vpn then. But the arabs should get to play with us. Its only the iranians because they are the venezuelans of EU. Which means botting and selling gold pays more than working in that country.
That is technically the policy accorting to ToS. In reality though VPNs are pretty good at not letting the target know the user is using a VPN. That’s kind of the point.
This post is just straight up bigotry btw.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of EU GDKP raid leaders who sell all the gold they make and they’re not shy about letting people know about it.
I just came here to laugh at this absolute shell of a company and the people that still defend it while stating GDKP isnt a massive problem. GDKP = cancer.
facts are bigotry? Google their currency
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