Heroic warfront

This might sound like a rant, but it’s not. It’s a question for anyone out there to chip in and answer, discuss or even chuckle at (maybe).

What the foxtrot is up with people?
420+ for heroic Stromgarde invites?

Previous expansion you had ‘‘LegENdARy’’ items coming out of emissary boxes by literally doing wquests only.

420+ for afking in a clownfiesta mode versus bots aint that bad imo


Damn elitists. I hope they will leave (forever) retail to play the classic

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You need curve to do normal raiding nowadays. This doesn’t seem too weird to me.

People want to be carried. They don’t like carrying.


Truer words have never been spoken.

On this forum at least.

I joined pug EP normal, ppl were 415+ but leader was 397 , if you wanna run pug raid, create your own group and dont worry ppl will join. When there are no good leaders, you must become one


Sorry got to do it

“CrEaTe YoUr OwN GrOuP” :wink:

I’ve run it on my alts 405-410 and never had a problem getting invited (though I’m horde maybe we are just better people) :slight_smile:

Its because of gear inflation u can easily get 415 by doing emissary,so at this point we have many bad players who had luck with wf and tf which is main reason why we have raider io and why we want ppl with exp for current content :wink:

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