Hewwo friends!

Flops besides n nzls

:3 hi

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Thoth just writed OwO on the wall because he liked cute things (thats why cats were worshipped there) and everyone just made giant assumption thats his name.


in 10 char

Does this really happen?

Begone, THOTH !


Not unlikely. There’s a thread about it named “toxic behaviour against vulpera” or somesuch.

I once got kicked from a +6 on my Vulpera for greeting the group with hewwwoooo but I guess I kinda had that coming


No idea, there’s a 500 comment thread about it so apparently.

its a jerk move yeah…

but that senctence just got me xD


You are the reason alliance is still standing , my friend

Mechagnomes are much better than Vulpera


Yuk! don’t just nuzzle people :weary:

Oh my! A blast from the past…

/Gumo :sweat_smile:


I’ll take Vulpera over diapergnomes any day, I’ve never been to Mechagon I have the quest on my main to go there but I’m avoiding it because it’s probably just a gnome version of Nazjatar which is trash by itself

it’s the only rep I’ll probably ignore grinding forever or will be the last one I do as I have 0 interest in them.

Wait a minute how could you be new if your playing one of the new allied races ? Dont you have to do some long tedious grind at 120 to unlock them ?


their time will come

For the longest time I avoided Mechagon too, thinking pretty much the same thing. But it’s 17,3 times better than Nazjatar. Navigating isn’t horrible, the quests are mostly quick and I went an entire week before I saw any quest repeat itself, though I guess I may have gotten lucky there.

I would strongly suggest giving it a try. If not for the mechagnome unlock, then the BfA flying at least, which makes even Nazjatar almost bearable.


Aaaaa noooo. Mechagnomes have some of the best rading racials currently:

  1. Combat Analysis: You gather and analyze combat data every 5 sec, increasing your primary stat by 50, stacking up to 8 times. The data decays while out of combat.

  2. Emergency Failsafe: When you fall below 20% health, heal for 15% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2.5 min.

I think some of the major Horde rading guilds might switch to Alliance.


if it’s better than Nazjatar then I’ll have to check it out and if flying requirements dictate I must go there then that I must even though since flying was locked behind those dumb pathfinder things I haven’t unlocked any flying from Draenor onwards

I hated gnomes before Mechagon. Now look at me. I have been assimilated.

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Hard to make worse zone than Nazjatar~ with restricted flying I would rate it below Argus.

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I actually do have a Gnome myself as I wanted to try the race out plus when the rumours were flying about that Tinkerer was gonna be a new class in the next expansion I made a Gnome to reserve the name at first then I just decided to go and play her as I can just make a new one at a later date.

I’m just not a fan of robognome

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