Hey, Restoration Shamans! I have found a way to make Tank kite!

Just place Earthen Wall Totam and watch the tank run away.


I thought they are doing that already with Healing Rain?


I wish the visuals for ewt was stronger. Its just very hard to see in all the other things on the ground.

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I can’t wait for Shadowlands. It’s going to be hilarious watching everyone run away from the likes of faeline stomp.

Try elemental shaman with earthquake. That scares a lot of melee/tanks


They also run from spirit link when they’re low on health and the rest of the group redistributes 90% hp.

Oh and not to mention Darkness from demon hunters. They jump out of that faster than from boss mechanics.

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Maybe they shield around them scare them.

No they just dont see it at all. I run with a steady team on discord and even when i tell them ewt is down, they dont see it :sweat_smile:

To be entirely honest Darkness from DH is really not that visible if at all unfortunately

I tend to move my mobs into earthquake visuals when tanking.
Or tend to step into totem effects usually.

Damn, i have been tanking wrong all along :frowning:

Every. Single. Time.


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Seen this also seen when earthquake is places tank will run out usually taking the pack with them. :sob::sob:

In one raid team our shaman healer used to sing ‘stand in the healing rain, stand in the healing rain, stand in the healing rain’ on discord during raids.


When ever somethings like that happens, my shammy friend that I tagalong with has a seizure :joy:

The amount of verbal abuse they slur at pug hunters in discord makes me scared to run one yard away from that totem :joy:

Haha, i usually only get grumpy during bursting weeks, cause its really good for eating bursting damage :stuck_out_tongue:

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The thing that annoys me… if the addon GTFO was a standard feature of the game, then the melee and tanks would know they don’t need to move out of that weird (Stonewall totem, earthquake etc) floor animation and STAY THE HELL IN IT! :slight_smile:

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There is a wa that says dont move, i used it earlier but always forgot to share it with the others :sweat_smile: i’m gonna get it again and make sure to share it with my group! (Just a bit scared they wont move out of stuff at all :laughing:)

Edit: oh poop, looks like the post is gone, was probably in the old forums.

Tank shaming lol. Just what the last 5% of wow tank mains needed is this

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