That is pretty good Serbian right there(you said it’s good to see you I hope you are well).Forgot to add Zdravo means hello.
Ја сам бања. Устао, доручковао и сад на гриндање у Мекагон. Мрзим то мјесто…
Yes, that is what I wanted to tell you LULw I just put this together from diar I got from my polish friend years ago. Zdravo ye I useing Zdraví which is (good health in particial translate)
It’s amazing how similar many words are across all Slavic languages.
Ја сам на посао радим и ја волим мекагон а мрзим назјатар.
Ја не дискриминишем. Обoje их мрзим. xD
Je jich hodně narozdíl od ostatních jazyků, který jsou od sebe moc vzdálený. Btw I got from what you said that you wake up made a breakfast and ehm what is meaning of Ја сам бања.?
Верујем хахахаха.
It means ‘‘I am great’’. The last word is just slang though. xD
He ment his name is бања.
Let’s not speak in Slavic languages it confuses the hell out of people lol.
Its fun what do you mean?? I´m extra confused to read a spanish language…
Ok then xD Na, was ist deine zweite sprache?
This thread is weird, so we might as well have some fun.
let me present you our black metal
I dunno why but seems that Greece isn´t in EU, because it says: This video contains content which is unavaible and blocked in countries of European Union. Rofl
it is blocked as the video is from Olympic Games it is blocked by the forums not by EU.
You can watch from YouTube
I tryed and it is unavaible with text I posted above xD maybe is just my country dunno.
Just type in the YouTube