High elf Allied race

Cant handle the fact that not everyone shares your opinions?



That’s not the problem but ok. You already show signs of being one of those. Bye!

Edit: This community is too destructive, how can you expect to receive sympathy if you don’t even have such thing?

Had to report the fraudulent use of the report system and the thread got reopened. Now, if things work as they should do, you all should get banned for abusing the system.


no :joy: :ok_hand:


There really had to be another thread?


Looks like mods dont mind Spam


To be fair, considering the number of open topics on this subject, it can be understood that players would see another topic as spam, that’s not a false report.

If you read your own posts back, you are contributing to that.

I can see you have now found the very active topic however.



Ok forum mod.

Personal perception is not the whole reality, this thread is about ONE THING, and that thing has become diluted with the new things people are discussing in the other threads, this is something people will come back again in the future 100% so yeah.

Excuse me if I have nothing good for people anymore, look at how they started commenting on this thread, damn, this smells like bias.

Very active topic that is about the broad point, instead of this one, that is specific.

When everyone is against you then you are a problem~ not everyone.


We still reported your first post on this topic as spam.


Maybe everyone is outright wrong and dumb, do you believe that if everyone says drinking poison makes you healthy it is true?

Hey, maybe you should try not being a disgusting antagonizer of my person for the sake of it.

I will never care, it just shows you are just a bunch of people with personal problems who need to find something to use as a punching bag. So… Keep trolling me, poor boy.

Find a hobby that fullfills you, that’s pathetic.

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:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:
Have a nice day!


Yes Aldo, I’m with you a really good idea.


Hiding behind a screen makes people too much brave than they would be face to face, I take this as someone being pity, so well, enjoy being a pity person thinking himself as cool.

At least my reports aren’t fraudulent.


so you open a discussion to not have a discussion?

why not just use the ingame suggestion box… this is just a pointless thead


No, that’s not what I said.

Anyone is free to come here and say something, but the same old crap of writing blocks of texts and asinine negative responses about the matter is what I don’t want.

Plus, everyone perfectly knows how non reliable the suggestion system is, so I will take your ‘suggestion’ as having malice on it.

what a boring and asinine reply, im going to ignore it


Yeah I knew your intentions just by the tone of your first post, it’s amusing to see how high people think of themselves.

+1, im here to show support for highelves as allied race for the alliance.


I agree, rename them high elves and remake their storylines.

You know what would be the best?

Putting elves in their own faction (excluding night elves, they are cool).

Let them have high elves, half-elves, blood elves, nightborne, void elves, fel elves, sun elves, eredar elves, generic elves, elves with four fingers, mecha-elves, happy elves, sad elves, grumpy elves, tired elves, boring elves, interesting elves, yetanother elves, purified blood elves, elves from the future, elves without makeup, elf elves, butter elves, crying elves, cave elves, trash elves and all kinds of other elf races in one faction so I can gank void elves too.


This is probably why they introduced Void Elves instead of High Elves. The helf community just doesn’t deserve them. All you can come up with is “tHeRe aRe mOrE hIgH eLvEs tHaN vOiD eLvEs” - yeah no :poop:, Void Elves were a mistake as well. Why should they make another one by adding High Elves too?