High elf Allied race

Ok… That’s simply morally low.

Someone please report, I’m out of flags.

Thats called harrasment under the CoC of the forums and counts as buĺlying.


The word bullying does not even appear once in there… What are you even talking about…

I have already sent tickets informing of the situation. The only one getting harrassed/ganged up here is me, so excuse me if I think your ‘genuine’ respect for the forum guidelines seems as false as a 3 euros coin.

I have already sent a ticket explaining I’m out of flags and that I don’t know how to report anymore, there is simply too little amount of daily reports.

In b4 some dumass starts saying I’m ‘playing victim’ or the usual dumb thing: I’m getting posts constantly mass flagged and then restored, I’m getting insults and trollish behavior out of nowhere from people I don’t even know, and I have some obssesive individuals who have got the strange idea that it is ok to treat me a bit badly than the average forum user.

Idk in what world do you live but in this one that amount of people doing these things solely directed at one person during prolongued periods of time is what is called harrassment/bullying.

Just pointing at facts, I would not even bat a friggin’ eye if a disgrace happened to any of you, same as you would do with me.

Simply stop being so obssesive over my existence, it’s not even a good way to hook up, try sending me some money or something, not veiling insults and accusing and trolling me, jeez, seems like a professional should help some people with social behavior in here, damn…


As aido said. It’s like talking to a wall. Don’t bother. They’re here to troll, mock and agitate

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‘Bullying’ is a synonym of ‘Harassment’ That’s what they are talking about. It is another word for the same thing.

You frequently insult people’s IQ for having the temerity to hold a different opinion on really quite inconsequential matters, going directly to personal attacks on people.

I am not certain you are in a good position to decry other people’s behaviour, you also make personal attacks on people, and have used fairly vile language to describe people based on the gender of their avatar, calling them something pretty darned nasty because they are ‘female’.

It’s 2020, sexism is not cool anymore.

You’ve also yet to apologise for the pretty vile things you have said about others.


Welcome to the horde we got the blue eyed high elves you speak of :slight_smile: welcome welcome.


Its clear to see that the people who don’t agree with you deserve to be abused while replying to your forum which is public and the player base have a right to reply to please you better watch your own back when you speak of bans. good riddance.


How is this reply relevant to this topic? You came here and spew negative vibes and energy. Shoo.

So far no updates on the high elf subject and really expect some from the devs tbh

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Bumped after 11 days why didnt you say this back then ?

Like you do with “horde bias” and calling people “racist” or “karma farmers” i find this post very ironic with how toxic you are .

You know full well SL is still in Alpha anything can change .


To be fair though…

Who cooks chili for a birthday party?

You wouldn’t say that if you tasted great birthday party chilli!


Okay okay… First of all I am a high elf fan and Am happy with the customs. But that will not take away blizzard did halve work. We need normal hairstyles, tattoos, Ear length, and a glyph for an arcane racial for the void. And maybe a different voice. But I always Agree on high elf allied race. And for the people who are against it remember you don’t have to play it leave that to the people who want ^^


You’ve just posted this on a night elf hunter. Don’t do the whole “swapping between posting characters” please.

Well Yes that is my main now and I wanted to switch it ^^

But this just makes you look desperate and gives the false impression that their are two additional people who want this, when in fact, there’s only one extra. Again, stick to one character - you’ll only make a fool of yourself if you don’t.

Sorry about that ^^…

Oyeaa I also forgot the diffrent hair colors like lighter brown red blue blond white blak ect.

Personally I think more ‘normal’ hair colouration would be a reasonable request for them to have implemented. They still might be, none of this has properly gone live as it were yet.

Why though? They aren’t a ‘High Elf only’ thing.
Here’s the warpaint/tattoos we see on Elves.

The Elven Rangers unit in WC2. They wore red warpaint. But we never see non-Ranger elven units with warpaint. It seems likely that the Warpaint is a -Ranger- thing, which is still fine, but of the surviving members of the whole species, 90% of them are Blood Elves.

Kael’thas has runic Tattoos. He is famously a Blood Elf.
Rommath has arm Tattoos, also, famously a Blood Elf.

Alleria wears facepaint, again, she is a Ranger, She also was not on Azeroth when the High and Blood Elves split, meaning that she does not wear facepaint -because- she is a High Elf, because until the last patch of Legion she doesn’t even -know- that the Exile had happened. She didn’t know about the Scourge, Kael’thas (She vanished before Anasterian was killed an Kael’thas went to Outlands). She didn’t know about Sylvanas. As far as she knew, when we encounter her on the Vindicaar, Quel’thalas was still a thriving population, whose people called themselves High Elves.

Basically if warpaint and tattoos are wanted, they -have- to be available to both Blood Elves and these High Elf customisations, as otherwise they make no sense because there is no reason why the two cultures would have went down that road, when the only High Elf we see with warpaint was separated from the entire -planet- when the race split.

The only thing she -would- have known about was the destruction of the Sunwell, she would have felt that, as its power radiates through the entire cosmos, even into alternate realities and timelines, as Blizzard have confirmed.

Trickier. You’re talking Game Mechanics there. Its not the same as alternate druid forms, because thats just appearance, it doesn’t change the actual effects. THat would basically be arguing that Void Elves deserve another Racial on top of what they have, which would unbalance things, as whilst they could only have one active at a time, it would mean that they would have an option that no other Allied or Core race would have, which is a dangerous precedent unless it is given to every playable race in game. (I mean don’t get me wrong, I would -love- to have the Diplomacy Racial on my Blood Elf, but you can see it would imbalance things).

The Voice doesn’t -that- bad, and the problem there is that sure, you -could- make them sound like High Elves. But the problem is that High Elves sound like Blood Elves. Now -that- in itself isn’t the problem, but the problem is that some of the Blood Elf NPC quotes or player character quotes would not make sense if said by a member of the Alliance, such as the Blood Elf ‘silly’ about being in the Horde means they can have steak whenever they like. That just doesn’t make sense, because, well, High Elves are Alliance.

So basically it’s a money issue. Changing the Voices means hiring a whole team of Voice Actors in to do new voices. As a Voice Actor myself I can tell you this. We like getting paid. We really do, mainly because it really is not as easy as people think it is (I wish it was!) but the problem there is that suddenly Blizzard are spending extra money on hiring Voice Actors, that they are not spending on any other player race, which again is a bit dodgy. Its not that Blizzard don’t have the money, but that they would be showing preferential treatment to a sub-race of a sub-race, if you see what I mean?

Generally good advice. Even if your point is valid (I mean the ‘generic you’ not you personally) it looks much shakier if people notice you are just using alts to agree with yourself.

Yes you do get chuckleheads going “But you’re posting on a Blood Elf/Worgen/Potato Dwarf, you must be BIASED!” But frankly thats a ‘them’ problem.

Sticking to a main is generally best…

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Sure give them both tattoos blue alliance red horde and you can even give high elves human hair styles/Night elf hair styles. And for the voice you can make them sound way calmer and a little more human like. sure some blood elf hair styles can be added 2. But you can add void elf hair styles to the blood elves.

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Interesting thing to note, is that many of the High Elf mobs you see in places like Dalaran, actually use Night Elf voice acting, just obviously not ones that speak in Darnassian, So -some- of the work is done, just means they’d have to expand upon it, because obviously a player character has more ‘stock’ quotes than a generic NPC