High elves and blood elf Customization's

I think he meant for the core races. Allied races are only getting a few options so they won’t feel so luckster

well Void Elf is not a core race and it gets alot of customizations so i am sure other allied races will also get.

Just because i dont RP i cant have an opinion of you guys wanting our race or at least our looks. And yes i said our race since what you want is a blood elf…I want to look different from alliance race thats all. Anyways i dont wanna argue with you about this because to me its pretty clear you will only see your side and noone elses. You only care what you want and not what others think and i find this kinda sad :frowning:

But I’m gonna ask you this. If High Elves would have been added they would have had 0 differences. Void elves at least have their void forms in combat and tendrils in their hair. Or how do you think High Elves as an allied race would have been?

I’m also gonna ask you this…Did blizzard ever promise alliance high elves? Was it ever confirmed 100% that high elves are alliance only? They are just blood elves without name change and blue eyes nothing else makes them different from us. You guys got void elves as … compensation for horde getting what you wanted isnt this the actual truth? Or am i missing some major plot twist here how 90% of the high elves are now actually blood elves? Just because few refused to do what blood elves did doesnt make this alliance race. I’d say its more horde race than anything.

So besicly a blood elf death knight has been high elf all this years becourse they have blue eyes ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well that is a icy blue different than the actual blue. It also works similar to the Demon Hunter where the eyes looks a bit not normal, as if magic is filled within it.

Yes majority Blood elves have Green eyes and yes majority High elves have Blue eyes, but there are a few High elves with Green eyes and there are a few Blood elves with blue eyes. (Although not in the game as NPC)

So it’s more complicated than eye color.

I would say it’s more Political/faction. One side decided to suck magic a certain way, the other side decided to it another way. This led to exile and refusing to follow Kael’thas. And then there is the faction issue, etc

But to be honest I feel like Void elves was a way where we can have “High elves” without it being a copy paste because of the unique racial and aesthetic. That’s why they are adding natural skin and eye color. Like I can’t see “High elf” being an allied race on its own.

And if they don’t add hair colors, it’s probably to keep them a bit more different. And that’s fine with me. But it seems Syleenia is not going to give up on this issue. I tried to convince her so many times, but she only sees it her way

yeah peoples whats red eyes aswell . they no longer happy with blue eyes …

No, but I was just asking that how exactly you would have seen them. They would have had the same hair and skin colors and be 99% not different. Void elves getting high elf options makes them a bit because they are still different in their own way. Having a void form and tendrils in their hair. Plus the blue eyes they are getting are a bit different than the blood elf ones. Void elves are getting eyes with a more Saphire blue tint while blood elves have get eyes with turquoise tint in them. I’m just trying to explain these things as best as I can. Sorry if I’m not doing a very good job.

a true High elf wod never give in to void magic so it does not make any sence.

It does. Alleria is the biggest and well known heroine of the Quel’dorei and now Ren’dorei. They see her as a hero that’s why in Dalaran there’s a statue of her in the Silver Enclave (Alliance hub) So there are high elves who want to follow her path.

Alleria isn’t evil. She just didn’t knew what will happen when void will come close to a holy essence. She said she was sorry and helped stop the void creatures. And I doubt Turalyon will do that. Doing that would mean he will only lose his wife and he doesn’t want that.

Edit: those visions weren’t real. It’s what N’zoth imagined will happen when he takes over the world. Alleria will be joining us into the Shadowlands. Turalyon will stay behind on Azeroth I think.

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She’s a vessel to void creatures because the void knows about her success at defying them. They tried to make her insane and are trying very time but she constantly is ignoring their whispers

Edit: The light enslaves those to defy it. The void corrupts those in order to destroy everything that is good. Neither sides are good or evil. They can be used for good and evil.

Void is curraption it cant never be good. Void only lies and abjuse and twisting ur mind and brain washes u to belive what it want you to belive.

The void never lies.
Everything it says is the truth.

Do lies of omission count?
Because the void loves that stuff XD

some times truth hurts or scears more then a lie. Thats only rison Void tells the truth. fear is good way to manipulate and controll someone. :stuck_out_tongue:

I made this post about how Blizzard can let players control the void elf racial Void Elves and their void forms


Dang McLovin is Moritz! Damn guy I’ve kinda missed your quirkyness.

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From the subraces thread, in case they may be of interest:

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