High-level Boss Abilities Doing Double Damage

With a hotfix that we applied a few minutes ago, we’ve fixed a bug that was causing some high-level boss abilities to unintentionally do double damage to players.

For players who have been inside an instance since before the hotfix went out, there will be no change until you leave and start a new instance.

Thank you for your reports and feedback!


Well that’s a start at least.
But there are more scaling and ability issues than just some instanced bosses. Especially for those 60+

Stuff in the outdoor world, dungeon and scenarios and all that.

Although this is a good step, even if it wasn’t double damage it still would be lethal in 1 tick

Second boss in Siege of Niuzao temple, the sap bomb pools tick for 2m.

thanks after wiping like a half an hour in a hc dungeon at lvl 68 with wondering what we did wrong and how this experience is so different from what i’ve used to know from mop and timewalking dungeons, this was necessary.

Thank you for another fast fix Blizzard

Yeah sorry but I’m pretty sure you missed the other 99%
Houndmaster Braun still oneshotting me

https://i.imgur.com/Z3TfNG2.png still bonkers

Hi, just logged on after this latest update & went into scenarios, the mobs hit me 3 times and killed me, lvl 64 with 96k hp, these are standard mobs hitting me, bosses are 1 shotting me, this is worse after the update as before i was running them ok

Tabard please.

I’m bored of spamming Scarlet Halls.

There are bigger scaling issues than x2 dmg at lvl 70, people get oneshotted, tanks cant hold aggro to the point HC dungeons are like m+20 and normal raids unplayable.

I might dare go back into Gate of the Setting Sun now.

This will be the bomb is the last thing you hear as you are atomized by sabotage.


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I remember entering heroic scenario on accident and it was just three 15min target dummies with no special attacks or mechanics. Amazing work with scaling, obvious no one even bothered to check the numbers at different levels.

Blizzard let people try Remix and they still couldn’t tune it properly. There are tons of over-tuned bosses still.

I wanted to focus on one character and get stronger and stronger as I level up!

Instead. I might have to spend all my bronze just to upgrade items, in order to feel weaker and weaker.

And the devs solution is to nerf npc rather than buff players.

Im not sure whats happened but since the update im now getting 1 tapped by everything in a heroic dungeon. At lv66My HP is circa 200k, but im getting hit for 343k in 0.2s

Did I miss a memo some where ?

Look at the image… I mean theres no survivng that. But a shaman healer at lv21 was able to face tank the adds in a heroic ? o.O

it’s not “since update” it’s since launch

Ive been ok on Heroics, until today …

Oh and could someone in the dev department please turn on the setting so feet/boots drop please. Ty… mine are still 46 ilvl lol.

I mean… since day 1 i got lvl 70 it was oneshot fest in heroics and raids, scaling thing is just broken, that’s it, have no idea why they allow heroics queue and raids not on max lvl, it just makes harder for them to scale it properly…

Wait, lv70 is being 1 shot still ?

Yea scaling ia borked and all over the place, not like you had months upon months to test this internally when or a ptr with heavy engagement.

your goal might be to want to let players have fun, but shipping something in this state is like giving the local kids football team a popped football.