[H] <Simulacrum> 7/9hc guild on Draenor - LF DEVOKER and LOCK

still looking for mage/lock/unholy dk/owl

still looking for mage/lock/unholy dk/owl/ele sham and healers (priest/sham/hpala)

up for DPS (mage/lock/owl/unholy dk)

still need dps!!!

need mage/lock asap…and maybe also a pala/priest healer

need deeps!!!

looking for DEPESE! mage/lock/unholy dk/DH/monk

in need of DPS

up - where are all the deeps?

still up, need DEPESE

up for DPS!

still up for dps

artificer is down, next is inerva, but we need more dpsssss

still in need of dps!

need casters1!!!

need more dps to progress further.

spot opened for a resto sham!

Isn’t this exactly what benching means?

Not really, i refer more to the fact that if we need more ranged than melee for a boss, we will bench some players (for mythic for example). In heroic runs we don’t really care, so everyone is invited.

sunking down, still looking for dps mage/lock/owl/sham/monk/dh