Holy/disc priest LF raiding guild

Hi there,

I recently took a break from raiding while I completed my degree. I’m looking to start raiding again and I am looking for a raiding guild that raids Wednesday/Thursday/Friday that does heroic + mythic content. I also enjoy mythic plus, so a guild that does those regularly would be ideal.

My character is currently 420 ilevel with Heart of azeroth 56. I am comfortable playing disc or holy and I am happy to re-roll as required.

Please drop me a line if you think I would fit into your guild!

Hey I’m from Tactical Nuclear Penguin 8/8 HC EP and 7/9M BoD, we raid Thurs Sundays and Tuedays at 21:00-24:00 Realm time, we also have regular m+ groups going and are set up within the guild. would this sound interesting to you? if so would you possibly think about re rolling to a shaman healer or a paladin? We can always talk on BNET if you prefer Suzu#2933

Hi if your still looking check us out

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