Holy Pala LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Hi all good afternoon.

What I am looking for in terms of a raiding guild:

Progressing at a steady rate and is focused with the goal of reachin cutted edge. Mature, friendly, likes doing things outside of raids like mythic+s doing them as a guild and is active ingame aswell as using voice coms discord ts3 etc.

Willing to transfer to draenor for the right guild.
I’ve recently made the change to holy pala but got the experience and knowledge to transition perfectly into this class and spec since I’ve got a vast amount of exp playing different healers throughout my 13 years of playtime.
About my character:
Character Name: Ã…rthur
Class: Paladin
ilvl: 419 (I know I’m slightly behind but willing to put the effort in)
Spec: Holy
Neck level: 60 - Almost 61
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/kazzak/Ã¥rthur
If im in ret spec just know I have 440 shield from motherlode and 1h wep 410 for holy

Raid Days/Times I can Do:

Every day besides Saturday and timed no earlier than 19:30 game time but would prefer 20:00 start.

Raid Experience Covering all my characters:
TBC: All raids besides black temple and sunwell
Wrath: All raids besides Naxx
MoP: All raids besides siege of orgrimmar
Draenor: Took a break
Legion: Antorus: 11/11 NM, 11/11HC.
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 NM, 7/7HC, 4/7 Mythic
Trial of Valor: 2/3 NM
Nighthold: 10/10 NM, 10/10 HC, 3/10 Mythic
Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 NM, 8/9 HC
BFA: 8/8HC, 1/8M Uldir
BoD 9/9HC, 1/9M
CoS 1/2NM 1/2HC
Eternal Palace: 8/8 NM, 8/8HC, 2/8M

Being raiding since tbc, played since vanilla for more experience check my achievements if needed.

I have all the communication programs such as:

TS3, Discord, Ventrilo, Mumble.
Got a fully functioning microphone and can speak fluent english and I’m not afraid to speak up when needed.


I come to raids with fully enchanted gear/gemmed, also bring food,flasks, potions, runes.

I read up on tactics either written or by video if im unsure of a mechanic that im not quite sure about thats what my research into new bosses entails.

What your getting from me as a player:

Very active, friendly, mature, likes to have a laugh now an then, focused, reliable,
veteran wow player with an extensive amount of experience tanking/healing over the years, puts 110% effort into everything related to pve.

I research my class using the class discord, icyveins, bloodmallet and other sites class discord has information on.

Contacting me:

Any questions about what I’ve mentioned in this post then let me know.

If you would like to discuss my application further we can have a chat on discord and go from there thanks.

Leave your contact details below and if I need to fill in any application leave your website aswell thanks.

Hey Arthur,

Desecrate on Draenor are looking for a Holy Pala, please find our guild info below.

Here are my contact details if you would like a chat :slight_smile:

BN: Deathdawning#2628
Discord: Dawny#6747

Hello mon,
Seagulls is recruiting all for Mythic progression. (3/8M & final phase 4/8)
We recently transfered to this realm and are looking to fill in a few gaps.
We do three days, wedn/thursd/sund 20.00-23.00 but take on hc / M+ / casual players also :slight_smile:
Contact me directly via blizzy#2601 or via seagulls.be (apply) website.

Hope to hear from you soon o/

hello Mate:
check link below: [H] Shinra Incorporated 7/8 M LF healers and dps for 8.3

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