Holy Paladin- Lf Mythic raiding guild

About Me:

Age: 23

Class: Holy Paladin

Wow Progress: Bekter96

Bekter- Holy Paladin
Bektermonk- Mw Monk
Bekterdruid- Resto Druid
Békter- Disc Priest

With not having too much time to play the game whilst working as a Chef I have only kept my Holy Paladin up to date in terms of essences and gear this raid tier although I’ve had 3 characters raid ready at the start of Uldir and BoD.

I am currently playing Alliance on Silvermoon but I have no preferance and would be prepared to realm and faction change!

I have been back playing WoW for the last year, spending most of my time exploring all aspects of the game so that I was able to see which class I enjoyed the most. I started off playing my Holy Paladin in Uldir but due to having another I swapped to Disc Priest when my guild needed me to in Uldir heroic, then I played Mistweaver Monk in BoD and then I swapped back to Holy Paladin for The Eternal Palace.

Due to being a Chef for the last 7 years I haven’t been able to raid. I’ve been late night raiding since the start of BFA. First time raiding since Mogu’shan Vaults in Mists of Pandaria due to work. In the last year I joined Zïon last August as it is a late night raid guild and I wanted to get back into raiding. With me starting University in September I want to get back into raiding again during more normal hours and to join a Mythic guild.

Raid History
Uldir- 8/8 Heroic Curve, 2/8 Mythic.
BoD- 9/9 Heroic Curve, 2/9 Mythic.
CoS- 2/2 Normal, 0/2 Heroic + Mythic.
TeP- 8/8 Heroic Curve, 0/8 Mythic.

I couldn’t commit too much time along with a lot of people when Crucible of storms was released.

Log Stuff:
Disc Priest Uldir Heroic.
Mw Monk Bod Heroic.
Mw Monk BoD Mythic.
Holy Pala TeP Heroic.
If you go to my wowprogress page bekter96 you will have links to all the logs for the above.

I have a working Mic and I have no issue speaking up when needed.

I won’t be available to start raiding until after the 13th of September as I will be still working in my current job until then and wouldn’t be able to make more regular raiding hours.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Battletag: Bekter#21761
Discord: Bekter#8964
Wow Progress: Bekter96

1 Like

Hi there Bek

I would absolutely be interested in a chat with you and have added you on btag. If it doesnt come through for whatever reason, please add ileynaprime#2503


Hey there! I’d love to have a chat with you! Added you on Discord: Denadel#0521

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi guys,

Thanks for the replies, I will get back to both of you!

Hey mate, add me on Silthrax#2667. And we can have a chat.

Hey Bekter!

OMG a Holy Paladin!! We’re recruiting to complete our mythic healing roster and are looking for a Paly, so we could be an ideal fit.

Our guild actually used to be alliance, but moved to horde at the start of this tier, typical we now are trying to recruit an alliance player haha! I’ve sent you a Btag request so hopefully speak soon.

All the best,


Hello Bekter :slight_smile:

If you’re still looking, Shadow (2-night Mythic raiding guild on Argent Dawn) might be the place for you.

We raid Wed/Sun 20:00 - 23:00 server.

We are a close-knit team with a guild that has been around since Wrath. We have a mature environment where we focus on defeating the challenges of the game while enjoying the content/teamwork. Not having much Mythic experience is fine as long as you are willing to listen/learn.

We have a real team spirit to get through encounters in just six hours a week and are looking for people who are passionate about trying their best in Mythic content and understand that Mythic is a marathon and not a sprint.

Add me on Nev#3274 (Discord) or NevNev#2669 (Bnet) for a quick chat if interested!
Cheers :slight_smile:


If you’re still looking for a guild, Jynx on Kazzak are currently in of a full time Hpala for our core team!

If you can spear a few mins to read our post on the forums I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about us!

(Slackers Inc AeriePeak / BronzeBeard) Is an 18+ community, with a HC Raid Team and Open Raiding nights, Game Nights, PVP, M+ Runs and lots more, if your interested hit one of us up if we aren’t slacking to hard. 6/8 HC TEP Rareadon#2173

Hello Bekter! I am an officer from Latinus Namus on Draenor currently 3/8M with solid progress on Ashvane atm. We are currently looking for another healer to join our mythic team. If you are still looking or interested I’ve sent you a battletag request if you want to have a talk. I hope to hear from you.

Hello! Have you found your new home yet? Would like to hear from you!