Holy Paladin LF Raiding Guild

Hi there

Returning player (mid-30s) looking for a semi-hardcore guild on my belf holy paladin (ilvl 443). I’m not terrible at ret too, as an off-spec, just lacking all the essences currently.

Have raiding experience from Vanilla through to Cata. Played briefly since - achieved rank 2 in the EU on my resto shaman in WoD but now playing holy paladin. Am horde on Tarren Mill and looking to play with people ideally around the same age as me (30s). Healed Algalon solo back in the day on my disc priest - so know what I’m doing (hopefully!), just looking for a group that’ll be fun to play with and knows not to stand in fire. Mythic aspirations would be perfect.

I loved WOW the most when I had a great guild (we’d all meet up IRL every now and again, hang out on discord all the time), but everyone kind of quit as we got older… or we got split into smaller groups… I’m looking to get into a guild where I can call my guildies my buddies again and run M+s/do stuff on ‘off’ nights from raiding if possible.

I got into a guild pretty quickly on my server but left even quicker when I was in my first raid and they thought it was funny to be racist about a certain group of people on discord… :confused:

SO a nice fun, atmosphere with gamers of a similar age is essential! I’m looking to raid 2-3 days a week (can’t do Mondays or Thursdays).

Not averse to faction changing but would ideally stay horde!

Aw gutted you can’t do Mondays, just wanted to say best of luck to you, hope you find what you are looking for :slight_smile:

Hey there, late respons! but check us out!