Holy Priest 11.1

Again, these are two incomparable spells.
Apotheosis is a personal empowerment and thus universal, it can used whether you need strong spot healing, duo or AoE (if only we had a good aoe spell lol).
Divine Hymn is a substantial raid buff for all healers, its function in m+ is to be AoE healing cooldown, but in practice, it’s a week garbage with 3 minute cooldown, that heals for much less than your average AoE Burst in 10s keys+. Its healing buff effect in dungeons is quite impractical and weak.

I don’t want either or, I want both, I want both AoE healing spell and personal empowerment, Also before Blizzard nerf our dps to the ground, Apatheosis could be used both for healing boost as well as damage boost, which felt great.

Although I don’t do raids too often, I can totally relate to your sentiment. Salvation felt amazing in raid fights as it could turn the tide of the fight. Alas, first in TWW it became a victim of Blizzard’s overall neglect of holy priest. Here I am 633 lvl holy priest and my salvation does 100k healing and has 12 minutes cooldown, Pinnacle of tuning skill from Blizzard’s devs.
Instead of fixing the spell they broke with their hero talent BS and “balancing”, they just straight deleted, total incompetence.

Yeah, I was totally fine with choice node of salvation / apatheosis. Blizzard just broke what worked fine with their crappy “hero” talents.

Oh no, I disagree that PoM is not “not very good”. It is outright undertuned trash. I spam it on cooldown during m+ (old habit from DF when it was actually decent) and it does like 3% of my total healing with all those 7 talents invested.

It is a very minor issue atm, because there are much bigger issues to address for Blizzard. You see, disc priest wasn’t meta in PTR for almost 2 weeks! They had to work really had to make it meta again, no time left to address holy priest spec that has been languishing for 6 freaking months.

The newest PTR patch is now a release candidate, so it looks like we got the holy priest treatment once again. We get some half baked changes that for some reason never get iterated on again. Now we ran out of time, and the best we can hope for is some numbers tuning.

  • we still don’t have proper mobility
  • we still don’t have any form of proper aoe healing in dungeons
  • we are still one of two specs without an interrupt
  • we are still an outdated healer, relying on outdated healing mechanics that don’t suit modern dungeons

It’s just incredibly disappointing .


Completely agree with you!

I am honestly hoping they at least do something regarding AOE healing at this point.
The sad truth is that no one will invite a Holy Priest to push keys with and this is just about the same experience from S1.


We’re way too strong with CDs compared to when we don’t have them.

We need more baseline power.

Can you be more specific? Point out some spells and give more examples.
When it comes to m+, we have only one viable cooldown - Apatheosis and it is by no means “way too strong”.

  • you will still struggle to off heal through AoE burst with apatheosis.
  • you will still struggle to keep your group alive when there is both consistant damage and need for movement, Apatheosis won’t help you, will give you 1 charge of Serenity at best as intant heal.

Divine Hymn Symbol of Hope are not powerful cooldowns in m+, they’re not even decent or even medciore cooldowns, they are trash.

They can double renew’s healing and we still wouldn’t want to press it. Not even if they tripled it, not even if quadrupled it. It heals too little even if quadrupled. We’re talking it needs a buff closer to 1000% to be worth pressing. It heals 27k per tick right now at ilvl 634, on my health pool of almost 7 million. Quadrupling it would mean like 100k per tick, that’s not enough with the damage we’re seeing.

They can double PoHs healing and we still wouldn’t want to press it in m+ because it would be better to triage heal.

They can double sanctify’s healing and it will still be awful because we can’t really get it off CD and speccing into PoH is throwing because it costs too much mana, has too long cast and heals too little.

Flash heal heals for nothing compared to the damage going out.

Serenity has a long CD for the damage patterns we’re seeing.

We only have power on the level of other healers when we’re in apotheosis. We need more baseline power.

Compare it to a disc priest: Penance has a 9 sec CD. Sending an offensive penance heals, on 5 targets, roughly 2.9 million and is easier than hitting 5 people with sanctify. Sanctify hitting 5 targets heals for 1.5 million + some from mastery. PoH heals for like 500k per cast + some mastery.

Renew, PoH and Sanctify are still garbage even in Apotheosis.

They need to seriously buff (by like 200 -500%) all these spells + !!! Prayer of Mending without touching Apatheosis. If Apatheosis turns out to be too OP after all the tuning, yeah it can be nerfed who cares.

So yeah I don’t disagree with you at all, I only disagree with your phrasing “more baseline power”.

Saying that many of our spells lack baseline power is bit of understatement, they’re not undertuned, they’re just plain dead!

P.S. Automatic Jack just released his Tier list for raid healing, looks like Disc gonna be top meta for both raiding and m+. All this healing tuning causes me so much frustration, to point of wanting to quit playing.


Yea, it really is frustrating. I want to play holy in m+, and was excited for the rework. I really dont want to play another season of disc.

Everyone who has played holy for a while knows the issues, I dont even bother listing them again. If you go through the effort or reworking the spec, why dont they actually fix the main issues of the class? They changed some talents around, tweaked the numbers on some abilities, but in the end, we are a bit better at what we are already good at.

Seems like a lack of class spec knowledge on the part of those in charge of tunings.

Instead of actually playing the holy priest in m+ themselves, or watching videos of people doing high keys and seeing the problems (which have been described numerous times in feedback), they either do some scuffed simulation that has little to do with reality or they simply do not care.

It is also quite likely that they decided that holy priest should be a raid healing spec only, and not wanting to spend their time on making holy priest any remotely viable in m+. Despite holy priest being a beloved spec by many due to fantasy and its traditionaly straightforward playstyle.

It is quite obvious to everybody that the staff in charge of priest & healers tuning in general is blatantly biased torwards disc priest. This is such a disrespect torwards people playing other healing specs and especially holy priest. I hope it wll backfire to blizzard.

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