I mean, given the context it’s directly related to sexual orientation and prejudice surrounding it, even though it poses as a quite harmless question. It’s what I meant with it being a microaggression. My original question being, is this imaginary line that I’ve just drawn here alright to play out?
I think so long as it’s devoid of really targetted slurs or such towards the LGBT individuals in question, most probably won’t have an issue with it. If it is framed primarily within the context of concern for repopulation with some non-offensive generic comment betraying prejudices on their part for example.
Where it starts to dip into calling people “abnormal” or “unnatural” etc then it starts to become more about the LGBT behaviour than the repopulation itself, does that make sense?
I mean, my word is not gospel, all posters will vary and it’s probably best for the LGBT players themselves to clarify how they’d see it.
I don’t think that’s too bad, so long as it remains presented in a civil way, it’s more of an intriguing point of view than just blatant homophobia. It’s one that could potentially encourage an IC debate between the two parties if it’s done without insult or putting them down outright.
At least on a personal level, I wouldn’t be offended if a character walked up to me and my character’s IC partner to present such a conversation.
The problem comes from certain characters, for example, moving around the city openly discussing killing the gays as was targeted towards me fairly recently. Things like that don’t offer engaging RP, they just feel disgusting and awful, we ended up having to fly away from the city to get away from them.
Little did Arokarn know… the thread had 200 more replies to come.
As a general response, I don’t really care about the sexuality of other RP concepts, not everything has to be about sex. When I’m RPing, the last thing I’m thinking about is my characters sexuality, I’m far more interested in enjoying myself/making it enjoyable for others.
Of course I agree that homophobia has no place within RP, but I also feel like people should just focus less on the sexuality of their character & maybe more about improving their roleplay in general. I don’t need to know if your character is straight or LGBT to enjoy roleplay, and if you do need to know that from someone’s character then I’m gonna be questioning your motives.
Sure, you don’t necessarily need to know or anything. It should never be the main focus of a character as to their sexuality, but at the same time it’s still a part of a character even if it’s just being straight, or any other way.
It’s certainly not a terrible thing to consider the sexuality, it’s a realistic thing to portray that’s got some (Albeit not much.) representation in lore already.
Sexuality and good roleplay aren’t a mutually exclusive thing here. I can certainly agree with the last point there, if someone’s really throwing it in your face constantly about their sexuality it’s a questionable thing for sure.
My apologies if I’ve misunderstood the point you were trying to make there.
I think the issue is the double-standard of perception. Example:
zugzug is a male orc.
“Zugzug is a rugged, hardened battle veteran, looking for answers in a world that won’t give them without a good shaking. Luckily for Zugzug he’s been preparing for just that kind of interrogation his whole life, every money has turned him into the weapon he is today, be it the steely gaze he gives the shopkeeper, or the howls the enemies hear before he descends upon them. Much of this he owes to his personal fortune, but just as much to having an equally gnarly wife as a sparring partner.”
thumbs up
“Zugzug is a rugged, hardened battle veteran, looking for answers in a world that won’t give them without a good shaking. Luckily for Zugzug he’s been preparing for just that kind of interrogation his whole life, every money has turned him into the weapon he is today, be it the steely gaze he gives the shopkeeper, or the howls the enemies hear before he descends upon them. Much of this he owes to his personal fortune, but just as much to having an equally gnarly husband as a sparring partner.”
omg why are you making it about ur sexuality
In both cases the character’s sexuality is at best a passing reference the issue is when characters are LGBT their sexuality is interpreted as being the most important/focal detail regardless of presentation so even if they’re doing it as above, they’re “inserting their sexuality where it doesn’t need to be.” yet the example given mentioning a wife probably wouldn’t get that same reply because it’s seen as “background noise” in a way a gay character seems unable to be seen.
Maybe I’m just a minority with this view then, I think in all my years of roleplay I don’t think I’ve asked a characters sexuality once. Then again I’m never really been one for the “Second Life” RP style.
Its not really an “omg” moment is it thought lets be honest, lets leave the theatrics out of it. Its my opinion that sexuality shouldn’t really be a main focus of your character when you’re trying to portray an RP concept. I don’t really think that’s an overly overt statement to make. I could not give a flying f*ck about who your character is married to. Its simply not important, straight or LGBT.
I don’t really know where the quotation marks came from, since its not what I stated in my original statement. Seems like a bit of a gaslight if you ask me.
This is absolutely fair, it’s not important to you or your characters, so there’s not point in asking and it’s not relevant to you at all. That’s certainly not a negative thing in the slightest, and I imagine that actually that’s a very common point of view across the server. I play a gay character, but the question of other characters sexuality very rarely comes up, it rarely comes up regarding my own character most of the time as well, beyond a few jokes being thrown his way.
As for the other reply, I don’t think he meant all that as if to say that’s how you react to them at all. Came across to me more as him giving an example of how it is treated at times, I don’t believe it was his intention towards gas-lighting or accusing you of such behaviour.
Happens in similar amounts way too often really - if you mention your character is homosexual in a passing comment or within a story, it immediately becomes the focus for homophobic people even though it wasn’t. Similar examples happen way too often.
On a different note, re. the repopulation for dwindling races (blood elves, and I guess night elves now, gnomes etc?) - I’d also say a homosexual character can still feel the sense of duty for their race and probably wouldn’t mind either adopting an orphan or actually fathering a child, just for the sake of repopulation?
Though I’m not sure if these are really going to be themes ever explored in WoW - I guess the recent Lor’themar x Thalyssra (Thalyssra x Elisande got robbed. . .) could’ve added a minor detail about it somewhere – I skimmed the story so I’m not even sure if it did.
Firstly, if my reply appeared to be accusatory, it wasn’t intended that way, it’s more a general portrayal of how i’ve seen these things play out, so apologies if it came across that way. So with the “let’s abandon theatrics” in mind, i’d appreciate backing down from the jumping to accusations of gaslighting remark as that is a bit over-the-top.
My point is you personally may not ask details of a character’s sexuality, most people don’t. However people can ask questions where information about sexuality is inferred from the answer, and in many many cases where the answer betrays a straight orientation, the focus remains on the answer itself. Where the answer betrays an LGBT orientation, the focus becomes the betrayed orientation. I’m not saying you do this yourself, i’m saying that a lot of LGBT don’t make it about their sexuality with their concepts (this thread confirms that generally speaking profiles which parade any sexuality around are seen as a bit cheap/crap) but rather when they give information that gives a hint of it, their RP partner then makes it about their sexuality and accuses them of doing so intentionally.
Again, disclaimer: i’m not saying YOU do this, i’m saying people do. This is why I said “I think the issue is” in rather general terms rather than “yeah but you…!” or “the issue is if you…”.
What made you want that fanfic? I haven’t seen any meaningful interactions between the two, other than their shared hatred (not so sure about Jaina anymore tbh) for the Horde.
I was wondering that too, but then I started thinking how Tyrande could get closer to Anduin by courting Jaina and essentially becoming his second ‘aunt’ to start influencing his actions more closely.
I’d live for a Flynn x Shaw though - perhaps the upcoming book will do it . . . .
Picture the scene. The Horde invade Teldrassil. Malfurion, the well-meaning dope that he is, tries to broker peace - and Sylvanas mows him down without a second thought.
Tyrande retreats, as incandescent as the World Tree, and turns away from Anduin as he left her to the Horde’s mercy. She turns instead to the person who knows intimately well the pain and loss of losing one’s home to an unrepentant Horde - Jaina, who has at this point embraced the legacy of her father and wants justice for Theramore.
Yeah fair enough, I don’t want to come across as the enemy here, I’m a heterosexual male & I fully support LGBT rights. I do however question people’s motives when their entire angle is for their concept to evolve largely around their sexuality, which is when my opinion of -It shouldn’t be- comes into view.
Gonna have to really doubt that ever being on the table, given her relationship to Malfurion as well as her recent character development. She’s gone from the Legion “MALFURION MY LUV WHERE ART THOU” to BfA “SYLVANAS MY FOE WHERE ART THOU”, and I actually want Blizz to explore her hatred and rashness more than any sort of emotional manipulation of royalty.
Hmm… I can deffo see them becoming close friends due to their shared pain, but to me any sort of romance between them just seems forced.
I don’t like pooing on other people’s ships but I truly dislike this one, unless they can slow burn it because right now Shaw just seems to dislike Flynn.
Unless you want some angry hatesex in which case…yeah okay, not my cup of tea but I can see that.