Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Because Flareon is the false prophet.




I stopped playing pokemon on an active basis past heart gold and soul silver but I have fond memories of the game series, especially emerald (which I will always regret loosing the cartridge for, not even an emulator can replace the real thing). :pensive:

Last pokémon I played was Sun. I plan on getting a Switch soon and getting Sword though.

Maybe I’ll get Ultra Sun at some point, who knows?

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Race change from Dwarf, you’re bringing cringe-points to my race.


Didn’t ask plus you’re


Post your hairline, big man

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As a fellow white heterosexual, I am ashamed of you.

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Man keeps talking about genetic dead ends while his own family tree is probably a circle.


I still want an answer, Vixi!!!

You’re lewd.

I’ve seen what people did to Gardevoir :pensive:

(Mismagius 4 life)

I was asleep, sorry!

And well, yeah its an idea but I would personally still stay clear of it since it is still also very directly against the ToU & can still strike a nerve with people.

Gardevoir has been my favourite Pokémon for nearly 17 years, long before I knew what a lewd was. :pensive:


Gardevoir, the poor thing, got the Renamon treatment.

People are nasteh.

Your Bus Stops, hand them over.

Mewtwo is my favourite pokémon.

Brightly coloured hair, black clothes and masks, demanding things they haven’t earned
they’re the antifa of the pokemon world!

You have to earn equality?


Chandelure! Fear my sentient ghost furniture!

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They’re unironically the best pokemon team of the franchise. Name another pokemon team leader that exclusivly only uses bug pokĂ©mon.