Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

Fascists misdirecting critiques of capitalism to drive a populace against a stated out-group so that they can seize power?

yeah super great boush


care to elaborate?

Daily reminder Palpatine is the body positive hero who taught us all that no matter what you look like on the outside, you can still achieve anything you put your mind to.

Even a man who looks like a shaved ball can rule the galaxy - so what’s holding you back, gamer?


What about J.J Abrams message from ROS? “You’re only special if you were born special due to special ancestry?”

People like to hate on TLJ alot but atleast the message there was nicer, in that anyone can be a hero/it doesnt matter where you come from, what matters is what you do/want to be.


Just wait till you hear my theory about how Palpatine was actually a stand in for Genghis Khan.

Think about it logically.

Kylo Ren wanted to resurrect the Galatic Empire, lead by Palpatine.

14th century conqueror Tamerlane wanted to resurrect the Mongolian Empire, lead by Genghis.

Open your third eye, my friend, and you’ll soon realise it all leads back to the steppes…


Everything’s a stand-in for Genghis Khan with you, I swear.

What can I say; statistically speaking, there’s about 1% of Genghis in all of us.


I Khan hardly believe that. (I do believe it though.)

I mean, it’s not like Star Wars is in any way subtle about this but you still have a whole generation of internet people shocked and appalled that the latest movies are “political”…

I’ll grant that there’s now a whole click industry devoted to the manifacture of this viewpoint, bending the statistics. There are a lot of dishonest people out there who know exactly what they’re denying all the way to the ad revenue timestamp break.

Yeah but the Jedi were unironically evil and stagnant and had to go. The Galaxy had to move on, just like Kreia put it.

Based + redpilled.

While we’re on the topic of amazing franchises, here’s some good old WH40k.

Blasters: I sleep
Ray guns: I sleep
Bolters: I’m aWAKe

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The imperium is my favourite cheeky parody of fascism and religious excess. Admechs not adhering to the gender binary is some fantastic positive transhumanism too.


Empress Acina made the best empire.

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Also the imperium of man is a necrocracy.

The virgin binary gender vs the chad green boyz

Wrong Star [Something] but I Khan’t stop myself.

By what measure is a man alive, his cells in stasis and preserved for ages, a living waking soul conscious and communicating? He’s not quite dead, just really unlikely to shrug it off after all this time and they’re probably doing active harm keeping him caged in that throne.

Agender screaming fungus spore pouches surviving by psychic gestalt fiat.

haha boyz go “WAAAAAAAGH”

Even if Rogal or Guilliman would have the guts to do it (they certainly seem to have the knowledge), I doubt they will anytime soon attempt it. If Vulkan’s anything to look at however, it is all but confirmed that should he actually die, he’d probably reincarnate in one way or the other.

There is, of course, the problem that the Astronomicon would be lost and as such the imperium would be plunged into another dark age and many, many worlds would probably fall to both Tyranids and Chaos in the meantime- But perhaps in the end, the Imperium, at its deathroes, would triumph because the Emperor and his angels could save it.

The silent king does however throw a wild card on the table. Will he commit the necron dynasties for the moment completely on fighting the 'Nids, or what will the arrangement be like?

Also the gate barfing demons onto Terra, the homeworld lost immediately upon his death. It’s an interesting end times scenario, though.

GW’s workhorse triumphs against all logic and reason, don’t worry.

Ultramarines will save his skeletal butt with a new virus bomb bug spray straight into the hive mind somehow and nids will bugger off, the remnant taking 5% of the galaxy to become free thinking zerg.

That’s alright so long as the T’au lose.