State of pug grouping is bad because of m+ from someone who doesn’t like m+

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for delves in WW, as the current state of grouped content on my realm for anything outside of group/raid finder levels is problematic for me.

So my situation is that I am autistic, no I’m not just stating this for effect, I have a genuine diagnosis. Therefore grouped content can be a struggle for me, I don’t play m+ as the timer forced pace stresses me out. I do however very much enjoy raiding. I mostly have to pug raids on no more than normal level (beside raid finder), so when I get kicked for not doing enough dps, despite the fact that I did not die, nor cause any issues during the first 3 bosses, it’s quite upsetting. I know I should join a guild and get in that way, but again guilds can be a challenge for me.

I really hope Blizzard reads this post. I absolutely love this game and have played since vanilla launched, but everything is so geared towards m+ whether they intend it to be or not. I seems for even normal raids that unless you can keep up with everyone else in the dps meters, so therefore get m+ level gear, you aren’t welcome.

So with all that, yes I’m looking forward to delves as a way to gear up in an alternative way beside m+.

A middle way would be Discord communities like Chill Streak. They host a weekly raid night (Saturday, 20:00 CEST/7:00 PM BST) that people can sign up for. Bosses are explained every time, and there is no lasting commitment, so you don’t have to show up every week, or even ever again if you don’t enjoy it. There is no requirement to actively talk in the voice chat. It’s better than pugging, but requires less commitment than a guild or regular raid group.

But I want to say that working on increasing your dps is probably a good idea no matter what content you do. Addons like Hekili can help you get started with this. There are also many YouTube guides and written guides that can help. It is something you can work on, if you want to, and gradually improve.

Getting kicked from PUGs is upsetting to most people. I don’t pug-raid often, but the couple times I got kicked did sting a little. I still remember a raid during Legion where someone else messed up a mechanic that got me killed (they lived) and I got kicked. It was not a nice experience. It helps to remember that it’s not personal, though. You won’t see these people again, and they don’t know you. It’s strictly impersonal.

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Was also going to suggest a community. Dungeon Dojo also comes to mind, it’s a non toxic World of Warcraft Community for M+, raids, fun events, and giveaways in a positive, inclusive environment.

Chill Streak can be found here as mentioned in the post above

The advantage with communities is you don’t have to commit to anything you don’t want to do. It’s not like guilds with set raid schedules etc.


It might take a bit of searching to find a guild that you’re comfortable with, but a good normal/HC raid leader will be happy that you do mechanics and don’t die. Of course there’s a minimum dps requirement to kill bosses, but most people are far too busy looking at the meters and not actually doing mechanics, and that’s the most common reason for wipes.

From one ND person to another, there are guilds out there that will welcome you, accept that you are a unique individual with your own quirks and personality traits, and not try to force you into situations that cause you stress. Finding the right one for you will just take a bit of patience and trial and error.

Will also add Scared of Dungeons to that list that Puny posted. All key levels and occasional raiding in a fun, non-toxic environment. Pretty sure there’s both current and ex members of that community on these forums(im a current member) that could confirm this


SoD discord

If delves will have non-trivial difficulty (which they should, considering the promised rewards) they’ll be a rude awakening for people who think they’re being gate-kept by other players in grouped content.
Just throwing it out there.

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Ive not read into delves much, as i prefer being surprised by things - i think they operate similar to follower dungeons or the old CM from MoP, correct me if im wrong. Im that casual, you could almost call me lazy. I think its aimed at the world content players (like myself mostly) but yeah - im sure its gonna be more difficult than what people think, looking forward to them personally

Yeah I understand keeping on top of my dps is important, and I do this. I guess a lot of the frustration is coming from me not quite having access to some of the upgrade currency because I don’t like m+. All I would like to do is raid at normal level, no more than that.
From what I can see, you have people who do M+ and most likely hc and above raiding, and therefore do have better gear. When these potentially make up the majority of a normal raid (presumably because they’re farming currencies) then of course someone like me who doesn’t raid above normal will not have as good gear as them and therefore the same with dps numbers.

If I don’t mess up mechanics or am not occupying all a healers time and the bosses go down without issue, then personally I just don’t see a problem. It currently feels like I can’t get the ilvl I need because I can’t get or stay in content that provides the gear/upgrades!

Well, both are on a timer, kinda. Just one’s timer is invisible. Hiding the info like a timer, just like how you don’t know how long it is until enrage might make it so you can tolerate keys. Look for ways you can trick your mind, if you want.

I’ve made myself play without dps meters despite topping them more often than not on my demon hunter. Reason? Takes from my attention that should go on improving or paying attention to mechanics. Minor tweaks like this might just help you.

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I have Details on screen, but rarely pay attention to it - my attitude is if a particular run is successful or not,it’s job done

Well, I wish I didn’t find it tempting.

Its on bottom right corner for me- its tempting to look at it sometimes…