horde camping on dungeon entrances and wq

06/09/2018 08:45Posted by Мохнатыйбуёк
Turn of War mode. Use battlegrounds for fair fights X Vs X.
You came to a territory alliance not allowed to be in. So you expect your impudence will be unnoticed? No! You will pay for that with your head.
By the way thx for the tears.

The only achievement you have in pvp is Trial by combat,youre pathetic disguise will not work ,i think you bluffs youre warmode is off and you speak about ganking,but you actually know nothing about warmode.
This has been in the game since its inception (pvp servers). Why are you now complaining? Is it because you want 10% rewards for free maybe?
06/09/2018 13:55Posted by Zxph
This has been in the game since its inception (pvp servers). Why are you now complaining? Is it because you want 10% rewards for free maybe?

You mean, like the Horde does? Don't worry, you can have it. Along with the massive lagfest when WM will be 99% Horde :) Soon, the only Alliance you will encounter will be NPCs :) Enjoy your "conquest".
I don't know whether there is that much imbalance between the two sides with the way sharding is supposed to work.

In my experience there have been plenty of times that I have encountered alliance parties/raids ganking on horde players doing a world quest and staying there till a horde group forms and deals with them. Many times I have been mercilessly chased by 3+ alliance, even using skystep so they could catch up and kill me while mounted.

On the other hand I find it extremely disgusting when horde players gank people at meeting stones. Its the same crap people that feel brave to attack 1 alliance when they are surrounded by an army of horde.

Additionally there is a special place in hell for the people that kill afk players that land on flightpaths.

Wow is a big game with millions of subscribers therefore it represents a miniature of a real society. Within it you should be able to find some of the nicest people to the absolute scum of the earth.

There are poople in both factions.
I WPvP alone on my survival hunter, and red=dead. However, I don't corpse camp or grief, and if I see you in the middle of doing something, I'll let you finish before attacking you.

See! Some of us have honour!
05/09/2018 23:05Posted by Yoomo
Warmode was a bad idea from the start. All the horde who say there isn't a problem at bonkers.
The longer this goes on the worse it well get.

HOW can war mode be a problem!? Dont effing play war mode if you dont want to end up in fights.

!@#$ing christ
08/09/2018 12:59Posted by Xartim
05/09/2018 23:05Posted by Yoomo
Warmode was a bad idea from the start. All the horde who say there isn't a problem at bonkers.
The longer this goes on the worse it well get.

HOW can war mode be a problem!? Dont effing play war mode if you dont want to end up in fights.

!@#$ing christ

Well to be fair fighting alliance as horde is kinda fun. Alliance at least fights... however when i play on my alliance char hordes really just annoying cowards. 1v1 -> they run untill they find a friend or you get killed by a raid or group of at least three or more people. Killing a horde means i run after it untill it dies tossing instants, fighting alliance means i have to use my full arsenal(same battlegroup and server).

Got to say i love warmode i can make life a living hell for horde since unfortunately i cant chase them down. Problem is these groups of 20+ people camping a spot for hours it makes warmode quite toxic.
03/09/2018 13:08Posted by Krogoz
I play both sides, and to be honest, alliance gank way less than horde.

Did you mean the current situation or throughout the times? Yea in BFA because warmode faction balance is f***ed up and it is in peoples nature to take over when outnumbering the enemy. There is no "honor" or other garbage. People just do it. Otherwise in the history of WoW ally has taken advantage of outnumbering the enemy players by ganking far more. Should I tell now "ally has not lost any honor because there's no honor to lose"? No I shouldn't because it's bull****. Players are individuals and any judgements about honor and s*** cannot be made (except for cringy faction fanboys)

Horde ganks, in war mode.

03/09/2018 10:01Posted by Scubahunta
if there is no fix for gangers i am sorry devs but people will just disable WM off and lets see where the stupid horde goes from there. If u see people doing wq and dont atack let them do the stupid quest. u are 10 people against 1. whats the pride in that? idiots

GIT GUD KID!!!!!!!!!
I see 0 alliance dunno why all of u think alliance is camping others. Alliance is crap. More horde in wm on than alliance. Also dis game is dying current subs are 1.7m
02/11/2018 15:17Posted by Ájszmen
Also dis game is dying current subs are 1.7m

Fake news, the 1.7m is unconfirmed by Blizz. The sub numbers leak, if real, could be a subset of subscribers, we don't know. But, go ahead and present it as fact to make your point :P
Most likely another player who always played on PvE servers and who is now crying because he can't enable war mode, get the advantages without the disadvantages.

Turn off war mode if you aren't ready for it. It's that simple.
28/09/2018 16:21Posted by Ghimrizz
Well to be fair fighting alliance as horde is kinda fun. Alliance at least fights... however when i play on my alliance char hordes really just annoying cowards. 1v1 -> they run untill they find a friend or you get killed by a raid or group of at least three or more people.
Ah, I guess that's why Horde mostly wins the small BGs that require actual PvP and coordination... it's because they don't fight, right ?
Alliance is just good at zerging AV objectives, and even then, if there's any serious horde coordination they still lose.
And BGs don't lie, it's equal numbers on both sides.
02/11/2018 15:50Posted by Thunderwind
28/09/2018 16:21Posted by Ghimrizz
Well to be fair fighting alliance as horde is kinda fun. Alliance at least fights... however when i play on my alliance char hordes really just annoying cowards. 1v1 -> they run untill they find a friend or you get killed by a raid or group of at least three or more people.
Ah, I guess that's why Horde mostly wins the small BGs that require actual PvP and coordination... it's because they don't fight, right ?
Alliance is just good at zerging AV objectives, and even then, if there's any serious horde coordination they still lose.
And BGs don't lie, it's equal numbers on both sides.

Really? Cause I win most of my "small bgs"
Wtf, butthurts kids like you cried for mercy and help when they getting rekted since 2004 until Legion and on BfA Blizzard finally heard your whining and wipe your tears and added Warmode (what absolutely destroyed wPvP anyway) and now you are CRYING AGAIN ABOUT GETTING GANKED?! EXCUSE ME, WTF MAN? LOL. Just turn off warmode and play your game and NEVER EVER go to Vanilla wow in 2019 Summer or you will get heart-attack. Lel
There are no rules, kill em all! :)

Why aren't the gnomes helping him?!