And once again you are cherry-picking. I can do that too. Thrall basically became a substitute for the Aspect of the Earth during Cataclysm. Name an alliance leader who ever did something similar. I’ll wait.
They totally are. You not liking them won’t change this. Blizzard has heavy alliance bias when it comes to world building which is why Zandalar is mostly not being able to have livebale land while Kul Tiras is a prosperous nation.
They don’t. They lost it all in Bfa. That is a fact.
Peace was never an option. We need to destroy the alliance so we can have good land instead of just pig farms in a desert with no resources-
You say that like it’s a bad think…
I do take your point though, Silvermoon needs an update!! and Undercity needs fixing asap, as well as the whole of Tirisfal needs the phasing issues sorting out, it’s been nearly a year
World of warcraft was a mistake.
They joined the Horde in the Burning Crusade
Quel’Thalas was independent but when Zul’aman stirred, things changed.
Concurrent with failed negotiationswith the Alliance, and night elven incursions into Quel’Thalas, Lor’themar began to forge an alliance with the faction his Forsaken allies now belonged to: the Horde. Several ambassadors were sent to and from Silvermoon, and Dar’Khan’s death allowed the blood elves to take an equal seat at Warchief Thrall’s political table.
You not liking them won’t change this
The Blood Elves are the “new kids in the block” who were too weak at the moment to remain independent and had nowhere to go, except the Horde
Not core race, sorry

Orgrimmar is an oversized barracks.
Because you want the Orcs to be warmongers rather than returning to the spiritual people they once where.

Undercity is a sewage
Because you want the Forsaken to live in the ruins as skeletal warmongers rather than re-integrate with the Alliance and rebuild Lordaeron.

Because you want the Forsaken to live in the ruins as skeletal warmongers rather than re-integrate with the Alliance and rebuild Lordaeron.
The Forsaken are an army who were meant to destroy their enemies as Sylvanas herself puts it.

Because you want the Orcs to be warmongers rather than returning to the spiritual people they once where.
Garadar looks nice but it is literally mudhuts. I rather have the Orcs adapt the Iron Horde building style.

The Blood Elves are the “new kids in the block”
TBC was the first expansion. Meaning they were part of the team for at least 15 years. That is not new by any measures. The new people are the allied races.

You not liking them won’t change this
Says the guy who wants the Horde to be the red alliance with alliance scyophants as leaders.

The Forsaken are an army who were meant to destroy their enemies as Sylvanas herself puts it.
As Sylvanas the Zovaal lapgirl said it, you mean? You might as well say the Forsaken was meant to be the Lich King’s scourge because they were raised as such.

I rather have the Orcs adapt the Iron Horde building style.
How is the Iron Horde style less barracky?

TBC was the first expansion
Good, you at least admit this
Since it is an expansion not the Warcraft 3 when the New Horde was formed, but I will be generous, not Vanillia when we picked up a story, no matter how many years passed, the fact won’t change: They are not a core founder race, they joined later and were added as playable in an expansion

Says the guy who wants the Horde to be the red alliance with alliance scyophants as leaders.
Because they are
Alliance/Confederation of races on the brink of extinction to survive and to live in peace - that was the core premise; not to conquer the world
And having leaders who follow the original vision - especially when warmongering failed, numerous times - and who want the best of their people - in this case peace to repopulate and rebuild is not a bad thing. Nothing justify continnue to harbor old venddettas and hatred to continnue on a path that led to destruction
An eye for an eye eventually leaves the whole world blind
But follwing your logic, then the alliance leaders are Horde scyophants because they always wanted peace with them?
The best for their people would be the total annihilation of the alliance. Not bending over backwards to satisfy their will. There can’t be peace until only the Horde is left and dominates everything. All Horde leaders who stand in the way of this vision must be killed.

Since it is an expansion not the Warcraft 3
Warcraft 3 is long gone. WoW has surpassed it. If Blizzard would have the core Horde fantasy at their heart they would add Ogres and Amani trolls instead of Tauren and Darkspear trolls.

But follwing your logic, then the alliance leaders are Horde scyophants because they always wanted peace with them?
Anduin set aside his ideals for some time to defeat the Horde in the most humiliating way possible. He led the Alliance to victory. And Baine? He betrayed his own faction AGAIN to secure his friendhsip with Jaina. Just like back with Theramore. If your own leaders work against you you should reconsider to leave or get killed.
Okay, it seems you are back to your old habits of ignoring lore and fact and reject reality to substitute with your own, degrading a topic of interesting discussion in to a childish tantrum that eventually everyone just ignore or laugh at and move on
Like myself
Well the OP was me talking that the Horde cities are poop and we deserve something better. Instead of building civilizations for both sides they dropped the Horde midway and only focuses on the alliance which is why Boralus is amazing and Zuldazar is not. Hell the devs even admit that in the classic book where they explain how they worked on it. Stormwind was the first assert to be finished and the Horde was only half finished at launch which is why Cataclysm happened to give the Horde a better experience. But it was fully reversed and now Silverpine and Hillsbrad are contested again.

a childish tantrum
You don’t call the high elf fans childish when they demand their fav race to become playable. You don’t call the night elf fans childish when they demand retribution. Why are you so triggered by the mere idea that the Horde actually sees some progress instead of being beaten down time and time again?

How is the Iron Horde style less barracky?
Have you seen the iron citadel? The grimrail depot? The Blackrock foundry? That is the style of an industrial super power.

Have you seen the iron citadel? The grimrail depot? The Blackrock foundry? That is the style of an industrial super power.
Still military infrastructure.
Erevien, at this point you’ve pretty much torn down just about everything Horde.
I don’t think you actually like the Horde, deep down.
If you play a faction of smelly, unwashed savages, expect your architecture to reflect that. Honestly, the main complaints I have is they gave blood elves and night elves to the Horde. No way you deserve Suramar and Silvermoon. Gnolls and Quillboar would have been more fitting Horde races.

Horde players want immersion too.
There’s plenty of immersion with the current horde structures. They have more character to them than the alliance could ever hope for. I’d prefer a tent in the wilderness, or a small fishing village over generic stone bricks any day.

Darkspear isle is a village at best.
atleast the trolls managed to reclaim their isle. during the whole cata thing where they retook it the gnomes failed to regain their place

The only actual city from the core races is Silvermoon.
silvermoon is probably the most ugly city in wow. Seriously how do people like this place. Even the undercity is prettier to look at.
But really man what do you expect of horde races when most of them have been killed nearly to extinction.
You are lucky the orcs manage to soup up their defences under garrosh and the orcs cloning machines
Orgrimmar was literally build in the barren desert to not anger the night elves.
They build it there to punish themselves and attone for their past sins.
That’s the actual story behind Orgrimmar. No joke
The real reason.
The devs put more development time into Alliance zones than they did with thr Horde ones.

The devs put more development time into Alliance zones than they did with thr Horde ones.
Now thats a good joke mate, You are talking about zones revamped during the cataclysm. Blizzard literally ran out of time for revamping the alliance zones properly back then. the horde got some absolute good remade zones like azhara or all the forsaken zones. Meanwhile the alliance got pop culture references in zones that barely changed except some tornado in and fire splashed here and there

And Exodar is still a crashed ship and Gnomeregan is still infested. Your point?
And what the hell is Darnassus?!
… Oh, wait.