29/10/2018 13:39Posted by
Türiel What do you expect from Sylvanas Horde? Honor means nothing to a corpse and her followers
And she'll be another garrosh another lich queen/king that'll be slain.
I cant wait to put a bullet in her head!
I wish there was some system that would disable people ganking me.
Could this be implemented across all pvp and still allow me to gank other people? I need honour!
29/10/2018 15:01Posted by
Nank I wish there was some system that would disable people ganking me.
Could this be implemented across all pvp and still allow me to gank other people? I need honour!
There's no honor within ganking.
There is no big difference between horde and alliance players at all.
Sometimes you get lucky and they don’t attack you, sometimes they do.
If you wanna be on the safe side tough and get the 10% bonus: Attack first!
Today I was leveling my void elf warlock (lvl 105)...
This is generating instant faceaggro..
I play on both alliance and horde, and what I've noticed is that horde rarely ever attacks unless they're two or more, alliance rarely ever attacks unless they can see that you are busy fighting an elite or a group of mobs and then they attack you since you're busy and on lower HP.
I play on both alliance and horde, and what I've noticed is that horde rarely ever attacks unless they're two or more, alliance rarely ever attacks unless they can see that you are busy fighting an elite or a group of mobs and then they attack you since you're busy and on lower HP.
Yeah it's like the horde are to afraid to attack alone.
I play with Warmode on, and kill anyone I see, there are times that I get killed but that's warmode for you, you win some you lose some.
I remember when world PvP didn't simply mean ganking everyone. When in battlegrounds for instance druids didn't attack each other, ever, and merely /saluted or /bowed to the opposite faction as they would do in Moonglade.
Unfortunately, as the responses here demonstrate, that's not the game we're currently playing, and to be honest, I don't think it's the game Blizz intend us to play any more. However, that sort of additional flavour, that decision not simply to always gank anyone you came across, is I think part of what people yearn for from world pvp still, and is partly why warmode really doesn't work as a concept with the current playerbase.
Like most of the respondents here, I'm not surprised by what happened. But like the OP, I think it's a pity there isn't a bit more depth to players' responses to warmode.
Bit Discriminating, first post... felt kind'a Racist :)
I have Honor 9 your point is invalid.
Omg another few hordies with no honor i was at a war chest and this dk pulled me into some guards i could handle that but then this priest showed up blizzard needs to Buff Alliance and nerf horde.
Today I was leveling my void elf warlock (lvl 105) for heritage armor having warmode enabled for the 10% xp bonus, when I saw a forsaken warrior (lvl 104) fighting against multiple mobs at once at 20% hp. I decided not to attack him because he wouldn't even have a chance to fight back and would be dead before he even could retaliate, he noticed me and typed /thanks which I guess was because of me not attacking him. Later I was questing in the same area fighting a pack of mobs at 10% hp when the same guy charged at me and killed me and then started dancing on my corpse.
I don't understand why did he do that, I didn't attack him in the same situation moments before, and not only that but also attacking someone when they are at low hp is unfun and dishonorable.
Actually, I guess I do understand, you are like your warchief.
that's awesome man I would've grave camped you if I were him honestly
the dude should've gone and given you the extra fun
If you don't like being jumped on then there are 2 options:
1. Run round within a group
2. Turn War Mode off.
But you won't turn it off will you because you want the extra rewards and XP that come with having War Mode on. So you'll just have accept the fact that you are a target while it is on. That's what the extra reward is for.
If you don't like being jumped on then there are 2 options:
1. Run round within a group
2. Turn War Mode off.
But you won't turn it off will you because you want the extra rewards and XP that come with having War Mode on. So you'll just have accept the fact that you are a target while it is on. That's what the extra reward is for.
From what i hear is that the horde's mostly a scumbag faction there cares not about honor just greed. No wonder saurfang left.
While I would agree that ganking is only ever done by PVP players who suck at PVP, you're on Warmode. Warmode is PVP mode not EXP buff mode.
You turn on PVP you agree to engage in PVP.
Quite frankly I'd argue that Alliance players have no honor.
The only time I ever see them now is in raid groups camping flight paths.
I've never seen one help out their fellow Alliance players when I've attacked one unless it's obvious that I'm going to lose.
Yes I know Horde players do this also, but its nowhere near as common as it is with Alliance players.
I uselly aid my allies unless it’s a dk as i saw a blood dk i think it was while i was still leveling my main and he was being ganked by a fully leveled horde and he was under leveled.
Kill or be killed, simple as that.
This game is full of backstabbing bastards. Be one yourself and at least have some joy out of it.
honourless alliance 120 DH killing questers in Thunder Totem today,
my honour dictated that i harrass him and chase him out
which i did, he /spat at me as he logged off
where is the alliance honour in that huh?
Was this your first interaction with another person, ever?
Get over it