Horde RP Dead?

Horde rp is very guild heavy, the valley of honor which is the main hub is mostly guilds standing around for most of day. Silvermoon is for the more “particular” rpers. If you want more casual rp you are better off on the alliance.

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My friend, if you are serious about this issue instead of rabble rousing - might I suggest asking on the Argent Dawn forums. I know we seem like a daunting bunch with endless drama, but new people with an interest in Roleplay are always welcomed, and their questions usually answered seriously!

I do not RP on the Horde but I can likely guide you in a better direction if so desired.

Sad to hear… But thanks for the answer.

You can always try to find a guild that would suit your character.

I posted this here because i asked also for information on other servers too, not specifically Argent Dawn. I was more looking for more natural rp stuff than planned sessions. If i want that i can go play pen and paper ^^

But thanks for the answers. :slight_smile:

Natural RP does happen.

For example, the roaming hub. Plenty of guilds also do a lot of social RP and events, not just events.

I would suggest downloading the profile addon TRP3, which will allow you to see people are currently In character or not too!


I’m sorry buddy, being a Horde roleplayer is not any different than being a mythic raider on Alliance. They are 2 sides of the coin.

Join Argent Dawn for better xperience, leave the zugzug life behind you.

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Hello. There are many Troll themed RP in Argent Dawn. Some ones ive heard of are:

Hand of Zul:

[Troll/Zandalari RP] Hand of Zul - Scheming in Zandalar! :japanese_ogre: - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Painted Shields

[PCU] Troll Military RP - Painted Shields :shield: - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Why are you a masochist?

You may have been unlucky. This week I have chewed the fat with a Dragonmaw Orc who is a veteran of the Skies, as is my character, about marriage, kids, the youth of today, where we served, favourite food, favourite drinks, what life means.
That was in Garadar (Outlands version) at the end of the Kosh’arg festival, which was pretty massive. About a hundred or more people at peak.

Then the last few days, still at Garadar I had a chat to an Orcish couple…Not an actual couple, though Brigante did make that mistake “Ah, now, am I interrupting something by just wandering over here, you’re not like, you know?” Waggling a finger between them. Only for them to go “NO!” “Fair enough, I’ll sit and have a chat then, waiting for my Dragonhawk to be Medicated so I can get him through a portal” Then followed the male Orc bringing out of all things, a Banjo, and gently strumming it. (as a fellow of a certain age I have seen the film ‘Deliverance’ so was ‘uh oh!’ but it was nothing like that) had a pleasant chat about Shamanism and what Magisters were in Sin’dorei society, then a different bunch of Orcs turned up and we had a dice game, which was fun.

Next day I had a chat with an old comrade, who seems to have lost an eye, but I tactfully did not ask about that, and we caught up on Old Times, then later met another old comrade Brigante has known and served with years back, and just chatted tat, and last night intervened in a fight, as a Ranger-Captain would, in Silvermoon, and performed emergency surgery on an injured party and got a Blood Knight in to assist. Was a lot going on. BTFO’d an Orc who tried to get gobby, who did back down and let me do doctoring, because nothing gets in the way of open chest surgery like having to stop for a fight.

Pretty busy week really.

So no, Horde RP is very far from being dead. You just have to know where to look for it. Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honour on AD is busy, and likewise the East side of Silvermoon on AD is pretty busy also.

None of my experiences this week were planned, just random walk up RP :slight_smile:

So nah, it ain’t dead, you just need to know where to look.

Good luck, and if you ever see Brigante knocking around, he is always up for some casual RP.

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Particular as in… Gold Shire?


How would horde RP be ? , zug-zug ? club to the head ? me ogre smash ? sounds like they can’t rp tbh
Mankrik can rp

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Well they are a few actual BE guilds hanging out there, but it is also infamous for being the Horde equivalent of a certain inn in Elwynn yes.

As sad as it is to say, yes, the bazaar is cursed.

Nah, thankfully the Horde doesn’t have a Goldshire equivalent. The West side of Silvermoon is dicey, but not for Goldshire reasons, just the standard of RP there is often pretty dire. Not because they are new players either, because everyone starts somewhere, but because clearly no effort has gone into it.

Uhhh…yeah… right…sure. That is completely what Horde RP is like…totally…Yeah. 100%. Have you actually read this thread? There is loads going on! I mean to be fair, You can’t really comment on the subject from a server that used to be an RP realm till it’s RP’ers moved to AD due to the influx of griefers.

How’s that RP scene on Steamwheedle looking these days?

No it ain’t. People keep coming out with that horse twaddle and it just simply is not true. You do not find the same number of PvE realmer sex tourists in Silvermoon that you do in Goldshire. In fact I’ve not seen a single incident in the last five or so years. Less than I have amongst the OOC’ers in Orgrimmar’s Valley of Strength and this one horrific time in Tirisfal Glades (Just…don’t ask…) But Yeah, Silvermoon being a big old brothel? Just not a thing. Never has been. Hopefully never will. It basically stems from the same assumptions that sprung up and date back to TBC, which were wrong back then and still are now. It is actually a pretty troubling assumption if you look at it. It basically went along the lines of “Blood Elves look pretty, therefore anyone playing them as opposed to a manly macho Orc is homosexual (Lets forget all the women that play WoW and also that wanting to purely hang out with other manly macho orcs is not exactly the ‘straightest’ of behaviour) Because playing Blood Elves is clearly homosexual, that means that Silvermoon is like a gay version of Goldshire, because everyone knows that people of that sexuality are promiscuous!”

That’s where it stemmed from, and that stigma has stuck. Despite being 100% incorrect, both in it’s reasoning, and in the actual fact of the matter.

So this ‘infamy’ you refer to is actually just some rather unpleasant individuals spreading false rumours, because they don’t like certain types of people, which other people then start believing and spreading, which is where we end up now.

You can go to the worst areas of Silvermoon (Generally the Bazaar) and see nothing more traumatic than some rubbish RP ‘I’m a Death Knight and I’m pregnant!’ “Uhh, do you know how that doesn’t biologically make sense?”
“I’m a Demon Hunter, and all I can see are colours! I am in torment!”
“Uhh, you do know how vision works right, I mean what you are describing there is essentially called ‘having eyesight’ rather than some traumatic condition unique to you.”

Thee is one brave RP guild trying to take back the Wayfarer’s inn at the Bazaar for RP’ers, but I fear their task may be in vain.

Just cursed with rubbish RP. But to be fair, in that it is no different from any city, Horde or Alliance. First district people hit upon entering turns into a festering hellhole of idiocy and OOc’ers (The two often being synonymous).

I mean it’s not goldshire level of bad ofc but the bazaar’s inn often has players with very colorful trps.

Oh yeah, you get some real gems in there! I Legitimately once saw a Goblin who’s TRP read “Half Goblin, Half Motorbike” I was just like ‘Nope’…

What aboot that grand bazar inn ?

That’s the Wayfarer’s Tavern, the one that is first on your left as you enter Silvermoon. Literally first doorway to the left. As I say, it has some rubbish RP in there, like aforementioned ‘Half Goblin/Half Motorcyle’ but thankfully it has nothing of the mucky sort of stuff that goes on in Goldshire. Discerning clientele who actually Roleplay and aren’t idiots, prefer the Silvermoon City tavern on the Royal Exchange district, where you don’t get that nonsense.

Shout out to the Oath of Silver guild, who every wednesday (I think) try to actually bring some standards and class back to the Wayfarers Tavern. It is the Light’s Work they do, and bloody and thankless…

My character wants to taste some Horde lust! Quite sad there is no goldshire counterpart :confused: