📜 -=Horde=- <Shazzrah> non-hardcore guild -> DEJA VU <- looking for laid-back players!

:crossed_swords: Lok’Tar Ogar, Sons and Daughters of the Horde! :crossed_swords:

Are you also happy that our Classic world is returning, with all the social aspects that we once had? So are we!
We are currently setting up a small guild on Shazzrah, and offer you the following:

:one: : Best guild name in town! --> [ Deja Vu ];
:two: : Relaxed, social leveling. Sure, we’ll raid at some point… but we’ll also just hang around Orgrimmar, or the Crossroads;
:three: : Mature environment, treating Warcraft as a game, and not as a job. We are in it for the fun; not for a rush-to-the-finish;
:four: : Allround focus; profession fans, Auction House brokers, Raiders and PVP’ers are equally welcome!
:five: : Streaming definitely allowed! We don’t judge; if that’s how you want to relax, you are welcome to do so!
:six: : Large focus on democratic decisions; no ‘inner circle’ that decides how you can serve the guild.

Sounds like fun? We sure think so! :smiley:
For now we don’t have much… just a Discord and a pocket full of joy in anticipation of the release!
You want to group up with people that emphasize the FUN side of gaming, and not the FORCED perfection? Join us!


Aka’Magosh, friends! :muscle:


Bump :smiley:
Awesome guild, nice and relaxed.

bumpity bump

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I know it’s a PVP server but seeing as you are focusing on a more laid back approach… are you gonna do rp?

Hey! :smiley: We’re not specifically focusing on RP, but we are open to all walks of life. If you wanna be laid back and enjoy, we’re the guild for you. If you wanna talk about lore, we have a few lore-fans too!

Nice idea. I was missing casual guilds.

Bump for maximum exposure! :grinning:

Throw me an invite when the guild is created. Character name: Mediumrare

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Willdo! Nice name btw :laughing:

Bumpetibump! :fist_right: :fist_left:

Happy release day everyone! :smiley: We are still looking for fresh faces in our guild!

Filthy Horde Scum!

Hahah. Kidding… nice post. I won’t be joining, but good luck with your casual approach.

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