Horde [Shazzrah] Shadow Priest LF a home

Hi there :slight_smile:

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. I started playing vanilla back in '05-'06 when I was studying in the United States (Mistag/ US Thunderlord server) and it was the best years of my life. It’s been years, and I always reminisce about the good times because over the years I realized that what made these years special was the community. The laughs we shared, the memories we had, and most importantly the friendships that was created was amazing. Unfortunately, I cannot play on Thunderlord (US server) anymore because of my job and the time difference would make it impossible as I live on this side of the world now. I played through TBC, and eventually stopped playing after and came back every now and then to try new expansions casually.

I used to play a mage, and I used to be a hardcore PvPer (I still have some old vids on youtube, i’ll post the link below) but this time I’m really not looking to be a hardcore player. I have a job and other commitments, so being the best isn’t my intention nor becoming a hardcore player as I’ve already experienced that. What I am looking for though, is a guild with a strong community. I want to foster friendships; the people that I level up with I want to be in the future raiding with. I want the same people by my side who we go to dungeons together in our ~level 30s greens to be my side when in the future we do MC/BWL. That’s what makes it fun for me, the people, the community, and the friendships we create along the way.

If you’re still reading and are interested, please feel free to add me on disc:

Looking forward to meet my future guildies, and find one of my old PvP videos below :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m also considering playing a rogue – so that’s an option if it’s a better fit for the guild ^^

Hello mate, please have a look at the guild recruitment below, starting a guild with few RL mates. Sense of belonging and strong community coupled with raiding progress is what we are aiming for. As you might notice the recruitment post is short as much of guild inner workings will be hammered out in first four to six weeks.

I think we may be what you are looking for, though we are rolling on Golemagg. Contact info is in the post.

Hello mate we could defo make a use of most of you, if not all :slight_smile: ! Granted u each prove urself individually, and that ur here for the greater good of the guild, rather than own personal glory!

We are going alliance though! :slight_smile: please consider that <3

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:


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